On-demand PD: Webinars & Videos
Adapting to Challenging Conditions
Click the windows below to access the John D'Auria presentation (slide deck and video) to MVPS staff on balancing psychological safety and accountability for thriving conditions in schools during challenging times.
John D'Auria 10/7/21

What is psychological safety in the workplace?

Click the links below to access the suite of MVPS Modern Teacher video trainings and resources.
MVPS Modern Teacher with Doug Enders
Session 1: Online Classroom Spaces [Slide Deck] [Video*]
Session 2: Playlists [Slide Deck] [Video*]
*You will need to access the Modern Teacher video links on this site from an MVPS Google account. Please make sure you are logged into your MVPS account (i.e., you are not accessing this site from an outside server).
Click on the links below to access the suite of MVPS EdTeacher video trainings and resources.
MVPS EdTech Teacher with Greg Kulowiec
Topic 1: Teaching and Learning Online [Video] [Slide Deck]
Topic 2: Creating and Designing Online Learning with G Suite [Video] [Slide Deck]
Topic 3: Creating Engaging Instructional Videos [Video] [Slide Deck]
Topic 4: Creating and Designing for Hybrid / Concurrent Teaching [Slide Deck]
Click on the links below for access to the suite of Think:Kids resources.
MVPS Think:Kids with Dr. Stuart Ablon
Thank you, NAMI Martha's Vineyard for sponsoring this PD!