Head Lice

HEAD LICE is not a medical or public health hazard. 

Students with live bugs, or new infestations will be sent home to begin treatment.

Students may be at school if they have nits, and are undergoing treatment. 

If your child has head lice at school...

Head lice basic facts...

How do kids get head lice?

Lice can only walk - they do not jump or fly.  So, to get head lice, we have to have direct contact with live bugs or eggs.

Kids often get head lice from close friends or relatives in the following situations:

Showering and washing hair does not prevent or treat head lice.  They like clean hair and dirty hair equally!

How can I tell if my child has lice?

Usually, head lice is discovered because the child is scratching their head a lot.

Sometimes, we also see a small bug crawling on the head or clothing.

How to check a head for lice:

How do I treat head lice?

Lice can be really hard to treat.  The adults keep laying eggs, and those tiny eggs wait 8-9 days to hatch.  So, if your treatment leaves even a few eggs behind, the cycle will start all over again when they hatch.

Please visit the CDC webpage for complete instructions on treating head lice: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/treatment.html

There are several local services who will come into the home and treat your family for head lice.  Fees vary.

The basic steps are:

Day 1

Day 1-2

Day 2-15

Head Lice 101 Spanish.pdf