Social Emotional Supports

  1. Physical Self-Care

  2. Social Self-Care

  3. Mental Self-Care

  4. Spiritual Self-Care

  5. Emotional Self-Care

Mindful Breathing

The Physical and Emotional Benefits of Breath Meditation

  • Reduce stress levels in your body.

  • Lower your heart rate.

  • Lower your blood pressure.

  • Improve diabetic symptoms.

  • Reduce depression.

  • Better manage chronic pain.

  • Better regulate your body's reaction to stress and fatigue.

Schools Counselors can Help

Your School counselor's role includes providing professional assistance and support to students or small groups of students during times of transition, heightened stress, critical change or other situations that may impact your success. Although we do not provide therapy or long-term counseling in schools; school counselors are prepared to recognize and respond to student mental health needs and to assist students and families seeking resources.

Who is your counselor? Check here.

Mental Health Topics You May Wish to Discuss with Your Counselor Include but are not limited to:






Self Harm




​ Concerns about friends or Peers

Skagit County Community Resources:

Community and Behavioral_ Mental Health Resources in Skagit County.pdf

Additional Community and Nation wide Resources: