Bilingual/Migrant Liaisons

Our family bilingual and migrant liaisons play an essential role in helping families navigate language and cultural differences that exist within the school system.  Our liaisons provide translation services, a safe place to assist with  advocacy and community resource, help with scheduling and so much more.  

Yesenia Moreno


Bilingual Family Liaison

Enlace de Familia Bilingue

Veronica Gonzalez


Migrant Family Liaison

Enlace de Familia Migrante

Taisa Chuprinov


Slavic Family Liaison

Славянская семейная связь


Yesenia Moreno & Veronica Gonzalez- Family-School Migrant/ Bilingual Liasons

Hola, from our Migrant/Bilingual Office- We're Yesenia Moreno & Veronica Gonzalez, most of our students call us “Miss Moreno” and “Miss Gonzalez” when they’re in our office. Our office is well traveled, as we encourage a safe and nonjudgmental environment for learning, research, extra credit, lunch break, an occasional snack, and more importantly a place to relax and get away for a least a couple minutes from the hustle and bustle that is MVHS. We enjoy all of our students and credit their constant visits to our willingness to work with them at any time they need our support. 

Our office supports our students by way of one-on-one interaction. We offer a familiar face, culture, and language they can rely on when they have questions or even concerns about school, sports, and sometimes personal problems. We provide insights and perspectives on how to succeed here at MVHS and help them along that path, whatever it may be. We look to know our students personally and provide as best we can, a specific learning goal that is specific to them.

For those who are just starting their path here, we begin by evaluating and testing their English levels to determine their placement correctly and challenged and elevate their learning. As their time expands, we note and encourage their progress and continue to fine tune their curriculum accordingly, currently serve 255 bilingual students.

For our Migrant students, we provide additional support in giving them the opportunities to make up credits due to their mobility following the crops, by being able to take PASS (Portable Assistance Sequence Studies). Currently we serve 252 migrant students. Our number one goal is to provide support for our students and families and expose our students to Post-Secondary Education.

Our office is an open door- please feel to stop by anytime, call us or send us an email. We are here to serve our Migrant/Bilingual students and families.

​Veronica Gonzalez & Yesenia Moreno 

Taisa Chuprinov - Slavic Family Liasion

Hello, my name is Taisa Chuprinov and I am the Slavic Family Liaison here at MVSD.  My role is primarily to support the families of our school.

You can contact me in different ways; some people like to come in for a chat, whilst others prefer to send me an email.  Some families like to talk over the phone and others like me to visit them in their home.  The idea is that where possible, I will do what is right for you.  Things can be as formal or as informal as you like….. it’s your call – the main thing is that I am helping you, your children and your family.

Sometimes life throws us some challenging stuff which can be difficult to deal with, I am here to help you at those difficult times whether it is just someone to talk things through with, find a solution or point you in the right direction.  It doesn’t always have to be directly about the children, other things in your life can affect them too.  If you’re not happy your children usually pick up on it often leaving them feeling unsettled.

If you’re worried about your children at school and for whatever reason you are unable to speak with their teacher, you can get in touch with me and I will do what I can to help.  The main thing is that home and school speak to each other.

Typically, I will support parents in various ways, building robust relationships between them and your school. I may, for example, attend meetings and parent teacher conferences as an interpreter. The role also commonly involves the translation of written documents so that parents understand what is going on in the school and in classes. I may also explain elements of the school system, and help parents understand and access relevant programs and resources.

Taisa Chuprinov