Technology Standards and Curriculum

The new Washington State Tech Standards are based on the ISTE Student Standards. This document provides both the standards and examples for teachers of how this standards can be taught at different grade levels. These tech standards are more about how students use technology to learn, express themselves and grow and apply across all content areas.

Washington State Educational Technology Assessments

Effective and relevant computer science education is essential to achieving these aims. While attention to computer science education has increased in recent years, a lack of awareness about its content and potential impact is widespread. The new Washington State Computer Science K–12 Learning Standards are designed to enhance teacher understanding and improve student learning so that students are better equipped for college, career, and life

Computer Science Curriculum

Great resources and curriculum for integrating Computer Science Standards into content learning.


CS First

The Mount Vernon School District uses the Triple E Framework when planning and implementing healthy and productive use of technology for instruction and learning. This model focuses on planning lessons that engage, enhance and extend learning.

This document provides information about the progression of learning and experiences students will have in K-5 classrooms. Librarians provide instruction in Digital Citizenship and Computer Science. In addition, Librarians provide basic instruction in productivity skills so that these skills can and will be used throughout the day. Classroom teachers should include opportunities for students to use tech as a tool for learning, creating and communicating. Classroom teachers also build on and model digital citizenship concepts with their students.

Digital Citizenship Resources:

The following resources provide a complete K-12 curriculum in Digital Citizenship.

Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Be Internet Awesome Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Mount Vernon Schools uses Typing Club at the elementary level to introduce typing skills and provide opportunities for practice. Students may log in with their School Google Account and practice.