Tech and Digital Literacy Support

Digital Literacy Specialist

Katie Dorr

The Digital Literacy Specialist works with teachers, administrators and instructional coaches across the district to provide resources, training and support in best practices for using instructional technology.  Her goal is to help teachers provide opportunities for students to use technology in ways that engage students in learning, enhance the learning in new ways and extend the learning beyond the classroom.

Building Digital Literacy Coaches:

A certified teacher in each building who supports digital literacy in the building by providing just in time coaching and support for teachers.  The coaches work closely with the Digital Literacy Specialist and Tech department to communicate needs and initiatives.  These teachers have a full class load and serve as coaches as an extended stipend position.  List of coaches by site. 

Technology and Information Systems Supervisor:

Tim Papendorf

The supervisor oversees the overall operation of the tech and information systems for the district.  He supervises staff, communicates and plans with teachers and administration, develops and maintains budgets and insures the security and maintenance of the network and systems throughout the district.  

Educational Technology Assistant (ETA): 

Members of the tech department assigned to each school. These technicians support and maintain the hardware, software and network needs with in a building.  They work  closely with the DLCs to provide technical support for teachers and students to insure that teaching and learning with technology can happen efficiently and effectively. 

HELP Desk 

The help desk is serviced by members of the tech team throughout the work day.  You may contact the help desk at 18324 between 7:00 - 4:30 with technology questions or need to report a tech issue.  Often the technician is able address the issue remotely.  When you call the Help Desk and the problem needs further attention, a work order is created.  

Work Order:

You may create a work order by calling the Help Desk at 18324, by emailing, or by going to