Local Fish and Wildlife Project 2021-2022

Smith-Local Fish and Wildlife Project 2021-2022 Project Build Template

Elk trunk-Antlers

Elk trunk-Hides

Elk trunk skulls, calls, tracks, and scat

More Elk Sleigh Ride 

Elk Sleigh Ride courtesy of Hap and Florence Points Memorial Sleigh Rides in Donnelly, Idaho

Elk Grid

Elk, Chinook Salmon, and Steelhead Grid drawings

Project as a whole

September-April, 2021-2022

Individual Reflection

This project was so much fun!  Students learned an array of information about animals and fish that live in our area.  We were able to collaborate with different entities to learn more information about specific fish and wildlife.  I will definitely do this project again.  Students were engaged and wanted to learn more and more about other animals and fish.  

Group Reflection

It was awesome to see the elk antlers and hides.  The hides are so soft.  Elk make cool sounds to find mates.  Elk are pretty.  The sleigh ride was wet and a little chilly.  It was so much fun to have the elk eat the hay bale seats right under us.

Wild Sheep Foundation Kit Exploration

Wild Sheep hide, horns, and radio collar

Mule Deer and Elk Antlers

Salmon and Steelhead