Spring Into Life Project 2021

Spring into Life Project Photos
Smith-Spring Into Life 2021 Project Build Template

Project as a whole

March-May, 2021

Individual Reflection

This was probably one of the most interesting and exciting projects that I have done with students.  The students led their learning and researched topics of their choice.  They collected data and artifacts to present with their topics.  Students designed and put together their display for Celebration of Learning night.  They were all very confident in their presentations and enjoyed answering questions others had about their topics.

Group Reflection

We really liked sharing our projects with other people.  We liked designing our project boards.  We all got to be experts about our project ideas.  If we could change anything we would try to get more artifacts.

Exemplar Student Project Examples

Final Project Presentations to the class.  Each student built a project board with artifacts they learned during the process.