Digital Citizenship

Image by L. Karpiuk

Avoid Internet Mishaps!

Written By MVMS Tech Club members Natalie Moore and Michaela Wiersma

Anything you post on the Internet will be permanent. Did you know 1 in 10 people get rejected by schools, sports teams, or job applications from something inappropriate they posted on the Internet? If you post an inappropriate picture or video online, then you might not be able to get into your dream school or job. Many people even get fired from their jobs over something that they posted!

If you post something bad or inappropriate, then anyone searching you can see it. What you post on the Internet will more than likely affect you and your lifestyle, so be careful about what you post!

Click on the link below to learn more!!!

Personal Info Tips

Written By Riverbend Tech Club members Caden Price and David Wagner

Image by L. Karpiuk

When on the Internet, remember to never share you personal information online with strangers. Doing such an action can lead to your account being hacked, personal pictures being posted online, and other account passwords being hacked as well. Where you live can be shared online which can be very dangerous.

Remember to be careful of what you share online and to change your passwords every 6 months. You should have different passwords for each of your accounts. Make the passwords unique with capital & lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.

Useful ways to stay safe on the Internet:

  1. Beware of unknown free WiFi

  2. Don’t share passwords with anybody

  3. Change passwords every 6 months

  4. Deactivate old or unused accounts

  5. Create strong and unique passwords for accounts

  6. Use different passwords for each account

  7. Ask permission before downloading something

  8. Never share personal information online

  9. Use letters, symbols, and numbers when creating a password

  10. Never meet up with a stranger you’ve met online

  11. Always log out of public computers/devices

Search the Web Like a Pro!

Written By Riverbend Tech Club members Nathan Skillington and Andy Maxey

Sometimes when you Google something if you mess up on spelling or putting in key terms, you could get something different than what you’re looking for. Most of the time Google’s just sitting there like, “I got you on this. Here are some search results on what you meant to type.”

Other times, Google’s like, “Here’s what I got. You’re welcome.” Then you’re just sitting there like, “What is this? This isn’t what I wanted. It’s not even close!” Google can send you to something completely different than what you wanted. It gets annoying, so it’s useful to know how to accurately search and find what you want.

Did you know that if you ever want to Google a word's definition, you could type in “DEFINE:” and then the word. This trick even works with slang and acronyms.

Some websites with more search tips and tricks are below:

Image by L. Karpiuk

Image by L. Karpiuk


Please be aware - hackers are constantly trying to steal your info. One of their many schemes is to trick you into clicking on a link in a spam email. That link may then ask for your username and password. Type in this info, and the hackers now have control of your account!

Think twice before clicking on links in an email, especially if you have any questions about who sent it. Hackers may even send an email that looks like it is from someone you know. Look for indicators if you aren’t sure:

  • Check the FROM email address - not just the name of the sender

  • Don’t click on a link or attachment unless you were expecting it

  • Be suspicious if it sounds too good to be true.

Learn more about these and other helpful tips by clicking HERE.


Written By MVMS Tech Club members Thomas Grimm, Trevor Krupp, and Nathan Loeffel

Many of you have social media, but you might not know that strangers may be looking at your photos, videos, and stories. Some strangers could find out personal info that they could use to harm you.

That can be changed by modifying your privacy settings. You can access your social media account and edit your privacy settings most of the time by clicking on your profile picture.

For more information, click the links below:

Image by L. Karpiuk