
111-1 12/2 12/28 「雙語師資培育線上講座」
"EMI Teacher Training Online Session"

歡迎各位師長們掃描QR code報名!!!
Please scan QR code to s
ign up!!!

雙語教學中心即將於12月2日與12月28日舉辦兩場【111-1 雙語師資培育線上講座】,


故規劃了這次的師資培育講座,並特別邀請到兩位國立台灣師範大學的林子斌 教授與籃玉如 教授擔任講者,希望各位師長們多多報名參加! 將於完成培育講座後,以Email寄發研習證明!

The Bilingual Teaching and Learning Center of the Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​will hold two [111-1 EMI Teacher Training Online Session] on December 2 and December 28,

in order to promote EMI courses, strengthen the bilingual teaching environment and combine virtual reality technology with language learning.

This time,we invite two professors Tzu-bin Lin and Yu-ju Lan from National Taiwan Normal University.

Welcome everyone to sign up! After completing the Online Teacher Training Session, the certificate will be sent by Email!

111-1 12/7 「空中英語簡報力分享會」
ish Presentation Online Sharing Session"

歡迎各位師長們掃描QR code報名!!!
Please scan QR code to sign up!!!



分享者: 請師長準備8-10分鐘的該節單元分享內容,可包含該節單元重點整理、如何融入課程教學等...

參與者: 進入線上分享會聆聽,並適時給予回饋!


分享者: 鐘點費1600元/次 + 此次分享會研習證明

參與者: 可獲得此次空中英語簡報力線上分享會之研習證明

另外所有參與的師長們皆能獲得《輕鬆駕馭英語簡報 》或《大學全英語授課 》書籍一本。(數量有限,送完為止)






12/7(三)13:10-15:00 於 Teams 舉辦線上分享會




Being able to present or teach in English is an indispensable skill for teachers. This course aims to further develop the participants’ English presentation skills. At the end of the course:

(1) participants are better equipped to teach a wider range of content in English.

(2) participants are better equipped to teach in a bilingual environment.

(3) participants are better equipped to give effective presentations and lessons in English.

Teachers are invited to prepare an 8 to 10-minutes presentation in English on a topic of their own choosing.

Hourly Pay & Certificate:

Speaker: NT 1600 + certificate of completion.

Attendee: certificate of completion.

In addition, all participants will receive the book "English Presentation" and "The Ultimate Guide to Teaching in English". (subject to stock availability).

How to join the course

1. Open Tronclass and click "Course"

2. Click the search bar in the upper right corner, search for the course code " L7MBNX2467D "

Online sharing session time:

12/7 (Wed) 13:00-15:00 Online sharing session on Teams

The link of the sharing session will be sent to all teachers via email on 12/5 (Mon).

Deadline for application

12/2 (Fri) 23:59

110-1/110-2 教師EMI教學培訓講座