D. - außerplanmäßigen Heeres-Vorschriften
D. - außerplanmäßigen Heeres Vorschrift - unplanned Army Manuals
This series of unplanned army manuals is called the Waffentechnische Heeresvorschriften, the technical manuals for all army sections mainly dealing with weapon systems and various equipment. The manual series is designated unplanned, as these manuals were issued as the specific equipment was taken into action. During the war, new weapons, ammunition and communication equipment were in continuous development. Accordingly, continuously new manuals appeared. Moreover, as the army continuously conquered equipment, manuals for the use and description of this equipment appeared.
The limited number of D. manuals dealing with organisational topics (mainly in the D. 2 to D. 100 range) were planned to be phased out eventually. Many of these were no longer available during the WW-II period. The D. manuals could be ordered by the Vorschriftenabteilung des Heereswaffenambtes Wa.Z. 4, the department of the military armament dealing with the manuals. This office was located in Iebenstraße 1, Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Many D. manuals had the designation Zum einlegen in das Gerät. These manuals belonged to the specific equipment, were to be ordered together with the equipment, and should remain with the equipment in case of transfer.
The D. series ran from D. 1 to D. 10000, with a more detailed subdivision indicated below.
Within the D. manuals, the D. 600 - D. 699 range deals with the vehicle park of the Heer army, both German build vehicles as well as beute gerät conquered vehicles are described. Each vehicle normally has 2 manuals: one describing its use and functionality, and one describing the spare part lists. Additional manuals then deal with e.g. the greasing plan or the electrical installations. Moreover, for many vehicles, special manuals for winter use appeared: Sonderausführung für Winterbetrieb, starting in 1942 and often revised in 1943 and 1944. These were numbered as 200 + the number of the manual on general use, with the addition "a" for the 1943 release and "b" for the 1944 release. An example of the series is given below:
D. 669/1 Lastkraftwagen 1½ t Opel Baumuster 2,5-32. Gerätbeschreibung und Bedienungsanweisung
D. 669/201 Lastkraftwagen 1½ t Opel, Baumuster 2,5-32, Sonderausrüstung für Winterbetrieb. Einbauanweisung, Gerätbeschreibung, Bedienungsanweisung und Ersatzteilliste
D. 669-201a Lastkraftwagen 1½ t Opel, Baumuster 2,5-32 Kühlwasserheitzgerät, Sonderausrüstung für Winterbetrieb ; Ausführung 1943. Einbauanweisung, Gerätbeschreibung, Bedienungsanweisung und Ersatzteilliste
D. 699-201b Lastkraftwagen 1½ t Opel, Baumuster 2,5-32, Sonderausrüstung für Winterbetrieb ; Ausführung 1944. Einbauanweisung, Gerätbeschreibung, Bedienungsanweisung und Ersatzteilliste
Of nearly 10% of the D. series manuals the title is unknown to me. Any information on missing titles is welcome.
The Geheim! classified series of the D. manuals is denoted as D+. In the lower numbers (D.1 till D. 100) the D+ series was additional, meaning that the numbering for D. and D.+ overlapped. Above the 100 numbering the D . and D.+ manuals were supplementary. Some manuals appear initially as D+ Geheim, while later versions appeared as unclassified D. For the D. 651 - 653 series, many manuals are both listed as unclassified D. and classified D.+, often with the same date stamp. It is unclear if actually both D. as D.+ were issued, as some are only known to exist as unclassified D. and others as classified D+. Early manuals deal with tanks early classify the vehicles as Versuchskraftfahrzeug Vs.Kfz. experimental tank, while on the later manuals this changed to Panzer Kraftfahtzeug Pz.Kfz. tank.
Within the D.+ series, for about half of the manuals the title and/or the date are unknown to me. Any additional information on this is appreciated.
The D. manuals are grouped with respect to their main purpose or topic. This breakdown is given below:
D. 1 - D 99 für alle Waffen General use
D. 100 - D. 199 & D. 1851 - D. 1999 Infanterie Infantry troops
D. 200 - D. 399 & D. 2000 - D. 3999 Artillerie Artillery troops
D. 400 - D. 499 Munition Ammunition
D. 500 - D. 599 Pioniere Engineering troops
D. 600 - D. 699 Panzertruppe und Heeresmotorisierung Tanks and vehicle park for the army
D. 700 - D. 1499 Nachrichtentruppe Communication troops
D. 700 - D. 799 & D. 7000 - D 7999 Fernsprechgerät Telephone equipment
D. 800 - D. 875 & D. 8000 - D. 8759 Funkgerät (Ausführungs-Vorschriften) Wireless equipment, versions
D. 876 - D. 899 & D. 8760 - D. 8999 Blinkgerät und tierische Nachrichtenmittel Light and animal communication means
D. 900 - D. 1099 & D. 8900 - D. 10999 Funkgerät (Beschreibung) Wireless equipment, description
D. 1300 - D. 1349 Propaganda Propaganda
D. 1350 - D. 1399 Horch, Peil und Auswertegerät usw. Hearing, bearing and evaluation equipment etc.
D. 1400 - D. 1499 Leught- und Signalmittel Light tracer and signaling equipment
D. 1100 - D. 1129 Nebeltruppe und Gasschutz Smoke and gas protection troops
D. 1130 - D. 1150 Nachschub und Verwaltungseinheiten Supply and administration units
D. 1159 - D. 1299 Eisenbahnpioniere Railway engineering troops
D. 1500 - D. 1799 Festungsgerät Stationary defense equipment
D. 1500 - D. 1509 Algemeine Vorschriften Manuals on general topics
D. 1510 - D. 1649 Türme und Kasematten Turrets and gun shelters
D. 1650 - D. 1674 Sondergerät Special equipment
D. 1675 - D. 1699 Sonderwaffen Special weapons
D. 1700 - D. 1734 Ziel- und Beobachtungsgerät Aiming and observation equipment
D. 1735 - D. 1774 Feuerleitanlagen Fire control systems
D. 1775 - D. 1799 Festungsnachrichtengerät Communication equipment for defense works
D. 1800 - D. 1850 Abnahme Acceptance procedures