Program Requirement

All Teachers In the Program

Newly hired teachers who hold a preliminary multiple or single subject credential is required to participate in an approved induction program as stated on the credential. New hires are immediately enrolled in MUSD Teacher Induction Program and are expected to attend two days of the teacher orientation, held one week prior to the opening of the school year. Our two year program offers support in blended learning and in person professional development. Method of delivery may require some face to face interaction or at time online learning. Outlined below are requirements for all participating General Ed and Special Ed teachers in our district.

  • Meet with mentor ~ 4-6 hours a month completing Collaboration Logs throughout the year.

  • 2 Individualized Learning Plans (ILP) with support of your Mentor.

  • Continuum - Reflecting on teaching and learning around CSTP’s - California Standards for Teaching Practice.

  • Attend Orientation Meeting

  • Induction Workshops

  • Engage fully in district-sponsored and site-sponsored professional development.

  • Site PLC’s

All participating teachers who do not qualify for ECO (Early Completion Option) are expected to attend/participate in training/workshops and meetings as well as complete and submit requirement outlined in the MUSD Induction Program Completion document.

The table below outlines learning activities our two year program provides.

Supporting Activities

New Teacher Orientation (2 Days)

Participating Teacher Workshops/PDs

  • ILP Workshop & Exit Interview Orientation

  • Participate in District PDs that align with ILP goal

Mentor/Mentee Session

  • Average of one hour weekly meeting with mentor.

  • Monthly Collaborative Logs (Submitted at the end of each month to TOSA)

Continuum of Teaching Practice Year 1 (Self Assessment)

Individualize Learning Plan (ILP)

  • 2 ILPs (Fall/Spring)

Digital Portfolio on Google Classroom

Exit Interview and Colloquium (Year 2 Only)

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Individualized Learning Plan and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Within 60 days of enrollment in the program, all participating teachers work with their mentor and site

administrator to develop an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP). The ILP requires that each participating

teacher identify student learning and professional growth goals as well as their starting placement on the Continuum of Teaching Practice (CTP) for each of the six California Standards for the Teaching Profession


  • Action items to assist the candidate toward successful completion of the goals listed in their ILP are identified throughout the school year based on needs that arise through reflection, discussions and professional learning of each participating teacher and mentor pairing.

  • Action items may include but are not limited to collection and analysis of student work, review of student data with colleagues, PLC meetings, trainings, seminars, workshops, grade level/department meetings, research, and working with MUSD TOSA’s (Teachers on Special Assignment)

What does the Individualized Learning Plan entail?

Teacher Candidates assess their practice through a guiding document called the Continuum of Teaching Practice. Candidates places themselves on all 38 continuums twice per year. This document guides teachers to select an area for an in-depth ILP inquiry. This investigation follows an action research model, allowing participating teachers to research questions pertinent to their classroom needs. The results of the inquiry guide the participating teacher’s professional development as they explore the impact of their instruction on student achievement.

Incoming candidates in their first year also will be using their transition plan/individual development plan (IDP) from their preliminary credential program as a guide to start the conversations with their mentor in selecting their focus for their first year.

There are 2 inquiries each year that each candidate will have the opportunity to focus and grow in. These goals are teacher selected goals they want to work on around the CSTPs.

Early Completion Option

Participating teachers with special circumstances or special accomplishments are provided with the opportunity to complete the Induction Program as an Early Completion Option. All Candidates are informed of the early completion option at the New Teacher Induction Orientation and is ECO applications are provided upon request via email to the Induction TOSA.

Underling Philosophy

There are some teachers who have had years of successful teaching experience outside of California and others who have earned their preliminary credential through an intern certificate program and have several years of experience. This option is available to better serve experienced and exceptional teachers. For the purposes of identification see below

Exceptional shall be defined by

  • administrative evaluations that label the teacher’s overall performance as meeting or

exceeding standards and

  • a letter of recommendation from the candidate’s current administrator acknowledging that the teacher warrants a recommendation to be granted an accelerated induction option because they are experience and exceptional

Experience shall be defined as:

  • a minimum of 3 years of prior teaching experience as the teacher of record. (student teaching, substitute does not count;

  • Experience may include, but is not limited to, completion of intern program, teaching out-of-state, or other recent teaching experience

Eligibility Requirements for Consideration for Teacher Candidates

    • Hold a Preliminary General Education Multiple or Single Subject credential or a Level 1 or preliminary Education Specialist credential. The intent of the legislation is to serve experienced and exceptional teachers. Interested candidates will need to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies required of all teacher candidates who complete the two-year program.

    • Be currently employed as the teacher of record.

    • Document a minimum of three years prior teaching experience as the teacher of record.

    • Submit authenticated performance evaluations (meeting or exceeding standards) from two prior years of teaching.

    • Submit a letter of recommendation from current site administrator supporting candidate readiness and participation in the ECO.

    • Meet with Induction TOSA to discuss the option.

    • Private School or Out of State Teachers

      • Three or more years of teaching

      • Verification of teaching experience including rigorous positive evaluations from site administrators.

      • OUT OF STATE teacher: if you have 2 or more years of experience, you may qualify to apply for a clear credential

    • Intern Teachers with:

      • Two years of participation in an intern program and positive evaluation(s) from the University Advisory, Site Administrator, and/or Master Teacher

      • Effective Completion of all requirements for entry into an Intern Program

      • Completion of US Constitution coursework, fingerprints, subject matter, and/or RICA if applicable.

      • A passing score on the Teacher Performance Assessment

If upon review of the requirements, a candidate feels s/he meets the criteria, an application may be submitted to request ECO status. Applications may be obtained during a meeting with the Induction Program Specialist.

ECO Applicant Requirements

Candidate must do the following:

    • Complete the electronic journal with all the required documents

      • Complete all induction documents throughout the year.

      • Earn a passing score on the ILP

  • Pass the Exit Interview.

  • A written statement explaining how the candidate meets the criteria for Early Completion. The letter should reflect on exemplary practice related to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, professionalism, and commitment to teaching practice.

  • Evidence of preliminary teaching credential (include copy of credential).

  • Documentation of a minimum of 3 years prior teaching experience as the teacher of record in a K-12 teaching assignment.

  • Evidence of exceptional teaching practice during prior professional experience with a minimum of two teacher performance evaluations completed in the prior 18 months, including one by the most recent evaluator.

  • Two (2) current letters of recommendation who have observed the candidate's teaching. Letters should address expertise related to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.

  • A letter from the current Milpitas Unified site administrator describing the teaching assignment and indicate support for participation in a one-year Induction program.

Upon submission and approval that application and all supporting documentation meet the criteria as established, a classroom observation will be scheduled by the Induction Program Specialist. Evidence will be collected based on the Continuum of Teaching Practice for CSTP 2-Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning.

Acceptance as an ECO Candidate requires maintenance of exceptional performance and professionalism. The candidate must meet all deadlines and meetings: orientations, induction component due dates, and related trainings. If the candidate is unable to continue to demonstrate appropriate placement in the ECO program, the candidate may be withdrawn from ECO and placed into Year 1.

Notification of intent is due Mid September. ECO Application is due Oct. 1st to Induction TOSA.

Earning a Cleared Credential


After the candidate has submitted his/her work and received a "pass", all Year 2 and ECO candidates are required to take part in an exit interview. This interview is designed to demonstrate teacher competence and growth throughout the time spent in the program. Members of the Induction Advisory Committee are on the interview panel. As a reminder Participating teachers are responsible for:

  • Maintaining induction documents in the google classroom each year of the program that houses all of the completed entries required

  • Procuring current student data for his or her students and analyzing it as part of the ILP

  • Participating in a exit interview with member(s) of the Induction Interview Committee to share and reflect growth across the CSTPs

  • Providing the Induction TOSA with up-to-date information regarding current address, phone number teaching assignment, and any changes in surname.

Once a candidate has completed all of the requirements for the Induction Program, staff will submit a recommendation letter to Human Relations for the Clear Credential. The candidate is responsible for making sure they have updated their email in their CTC account to receive updated information about their recommendation. It is the candidate’s responsibility to pay the fee within 90 days of the receiving the confirmation email from CTC.

*Until a candidate has successfully cleared a credential, he/she may be held accountable for any additional requirements the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing adds.