
Welcome Mentors!

​Thank you for agreeing to be a Mentor to a new teacher or teachers in Milpitas Unified! You are a mentor, coach, and a critical part of your participating teacher's success. What does it mean to be a Mentor?

  • You are the safe person they can go to with questions and concerns that arise during their early years as a teacher.
  • The Participating Teacher has to feel that you are a safe person to come to, therefore anything discussed is confidential, and not to be shared with colleagues or the site administrator. The Participating Teacher may give you permission, however, to share.

If you have questions or concerns that arise from these discussions, the Induction Coordinators (Mary Ann Malkos/Kim Nguyen or Raquel Kusunoki) are there to assist you in resolving any issues while maintaining confidentiality.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Induction Mentor

  • Establish a collaborative, supportive, confidential, and trusting relationship with each Participating Teacher.
  • Provide coaching and mentoring using the appropriate mentoring instruments and best practices in adult learning to support new teachers in goal setting with the end of supporting new teachers professional growth.
  • Hold a minimum of one hour, weekly mentoring sessions with PT specifically to address the following:
  • Providing “just in time” support for candidates, in accordance with the ILP, along with longer term guidance to promote enduring professional skills
  • Facilitation of candidate growth and development via providing modeling, guided reflection on practice, and feedback on classroom instruction
  • Connecting candidates with available resources to support their professional growth and accomplishment of the ILP
  • Periodically reviewing the ILP with candidates and making adjustments as needed

​Note: These sessions must be in addition to any other PLC’s being held at the sites.

  • Provide necessary support information, materials, resources and support for new teacher success in areas of instructional strategies, curriculum, professional responsibilities, classroom and organizational management.
  • Submit a complete monthly collaboration log for each PT at the end of each month.
  • Attend all Coaching Academies and Coaching Forums to learn and practice how to support individual mentoring challenges, reflection on mentoring practice, and opportunities to engage with mentoring peers in professional learning networks.
  • Serve as an advocate for the PT to the administration staff at his/her school site.
  • Respond to online surveys and requests for information from the Program Coordinator and the State. ​