Creative Writing 

Contest Winners

Creative writing winners: See Ms. Biddle in room 207 next week for your prize! 

Prompt: Describe a typical day for you in the year 2054. Make your story sci-fi/fantasy!

First Place - Daniela Boler Santayo (11th) 

The Curtains of Illusion

Metallic machinery filled with life

Shining, glimmering– it hides the strife.

Palm trees and evergreens born of iron and steel

Long ago had we lost what was real.

Monotony stands firm in variety

And tomorrow never seems to come in our society.

Day by day– it’s all the same.

And we have those large mechanical bots to blame.

Smog fills the city air

And many cry within despair

But no one will ever see the carnage,

As the large metal curtain acts as blockage

Those born now know not what grass is

Nor natural landscapes or even twigs–

And for that I remain in my home,

Hiding away from that which may roam.

We as people removed ourselves from the equation

And allowed robots to take over future occasions.

Our world is now only poor synthetics-

For we tore down nature and hid that with cosmetics.

A large glass dome- a misty veil

It hides the destruction– every detail

Day by day- it’s all the same

Hiding from those robots who are to blame.

Third Place - Evelyn Niedermyer (7th) 

I was woken up to a loud pound against the earth. My house shook and was filled with the flashing of lights outside. Seconds later the soft pitter patter of what I thought was rain calmed the scene. I walked outside still in my pajamas to discover what looked to be black rain falling upon my house. Then seconds later an explosion; I was then thrown off my porch and pushed harshly to the ground. I then blacked out. Thirty years later. The year was now 2054. I woke up to a soft white bed and the gasp of several nurses. They explained a massive truck carrying oil had rammed into the back of my house. The pressure caused it to shoot up into the sky before falling to the Earth as a dark rain; an explosion then occurred. I was sent into a coma for the next thirty years. I tried to stand, but collapsed immediately. I had lost all the muscle in my body. I was skinny, pale with thin hair. I tried to speak, but only squeaks came out. Tears streamed down my face, my world had been crushed. I was then sat in the wheelchair rolled out to the courtyard. They then informed me I would require years of physical and speech therapy. As I looked around I noticed many people with robotic arms and AI robots wandering around. A lot had changed. I realized there were little to no humans and any I did see had modifications. That's when the panic set in. I couldn't run and they encouraged amputation then prosthetics. I was stuck. I wanted to run, but it was almost as if I was strapped to the wheelchair unable to move. Over time though I gained back my strength and hair. I was now  43 years old, but looked like I was 13. After a year of physical therapy I could now walk with assistance. I officially recovered. I could now speak and was able to meet my parents again. My memory was foggy. I couldn't remember much about my parents, but I remembered I loved them. To me it was like I woke up from a nap and saw my parents, but to them it had been 30 years. I struggled to adjust, but I eventually went back to school. Though now school was online and taught by AI I was at least home. My 16th birthday finally came, but roads were no longer in use so I didn’t get my license. Walking outside was a new experience. Going on a walk you saw huge skyscrapers and people walking around with VR on. People no longer worked in cafes, but were served by robots. I saw little to no animals, because people did not want to take care of them. Adjusting was hard, but easier than waking from an endless sleep.

Second Place - Aubrey Kreisher (7th) 

In the glow of dawn, Sam's eyes fluttered open, her mind blanked because of confusion. As she sat up, a disorienting realization washed over her: the calendar on her bedside table read 2054. Panic surged through her veins as she frantically scanned her surroundings. Her familiar bedroom had transformed into an unfamiliar chamber with futuristic gadgets and holographic displays. A sense of displacement gnawed at her, threatening to consume her. Sam stumbled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. As she gazed into the mirror, she was met with the reflection of a stranger. Her once-familiar face was now  with small enhancements, her eyes shimmering with brilliance. Determined to unravel this mystery, Sam ventured into the bustling city´s streets. The world that greeted her was a city of towering skyscrapers and holographic billboards that projected vibrant advertisements. Hovercrafts buzzed past overhead, their engines let out a low hum. As she made her way to her workplace, Sam couldn't help but be amazed by all the technological advancements that had occurred in the span of a single night. The streets were patrolled by drones, and holographic displays provided real-time updates on traffic and weather conditions. Upon arriving at her office, Sam was greeted by her holographic assistant, Lyn. 'Welcome, Sam,' Lyn's voice echoed through the room. 'Your schedule is as follows...' As Lyn listed off a series of appointments and meetings, Sam's mind raced. She had always excelled in math and English, but the complex equations and advanced vocabulary that Lyn presented seemed like an impossible challenge. Sam was determined to adapt to this unfamiliar future. She spent countless hours studying, poring over textbooks and attending online classes. To her surprise, she found that her mind was sharper than ever before, capable of absorbing information at a quick rate. As the days turned into weeks, Sam's confidence grew. She began to solve the problems of 2054 with increasing ease, using her knowledge to solve problems and make meaningful contributions to her company. In the process, she discovered that the future was not as scary as she had feared. It was a world of endless possibilities, where human minds and technological progress had combined to create a society that was thriving.Sam embraced her extraordinary journey, becoming not only a survivor in the year 2054 but an outstanding member of the city.

 Fourth Place  - Kirsten Oden (11th) 

Tomorrow is when we believe in yesterday  

Today is when we wish of a endless tomorrow 

Day by day 

We begin to feel the sorrow 

Of the days we had to fulfill the past 

Our future is our last 

We can say hello, unanswered with goodbye  

To those who we tried to save 

You are some of the brave 

At last we can say we made it to the future  

2054 is just a rumor  

Fifth Place - Carter Reis (7th) 


 I wake up from my high tech sleep pod from the snooze mart. Next I go to the gym to work out. While I am there I do this new high tech machine that can do any exercise that you want that you do not have to put in any work. After the gym I go back home and devour the same meal that I eat every single day of the year. 2 eggs 2 toast 2 bananas. It gives me the most amount of energy that I need for the day. Then I ended up going to work. It was a fun day. The whole office got to try this flying car model. When I get home I get on this new virtual reality headset that is made out of glasses. After that I go to bed in my high tech sleep pod that puts me right to sleep faster than 10 seconds.