Carmen Quesada

About Me:

Hi my name is Carmen Quesada and I am a photography student at Atwater High School and I made the work on this page. I started off with photography my sophomore year of high school, I was really excited to start working on learning to take pictures and it’s given me something to relate to with my dad. Something that really inspires me to take photos is the feedback. I love receiving feedback on my work because knowing ways I can improve is what makes me want to continue taking photos. Challenges I’ve had to overcome when it came to photography are not knowing what to take pictures of, there is just so much to take pictures of or not enough and sometimes my creativity fizzles out. When it comes to excelling in photography I think I excel when I take photos of people or and using AV Mode. Someone that really inspires me is my dad because a few years back he was getting really into photography as I am now, looking at the many photos he would take really inspired me to try photography for myself. I create the many photographs shown because having done it for so long I’ve come to realize that I really love taking pictures and looking at things in a different perspective.

The Golden Tree

Little Lady

Hand in Plant

Golden Hour

Game Day



Blue Smoke
