Welcome Letter and Supply List

Dear 4th Graders,

We hope you are enjoying your summer and are ready for a fun and exciting school year! We have been busy planning for September, and we look forward to meeting you on the first day of school.

We will be going on a journey this year to become: radical readers, wondrous writers, magnificent mathematicians, super scientists, and inquisitive historians!

We do have a snack time each day. Please bring one healthy, nut-free snack and a water bottle to enjoy!

On the first day of school, please have the supplies found on the Village School website near you and ready to use (under Pignataro/Caprio as well as the General 4th grade supply list). Please also have an independent reading book, and be ready to share one special thing you did this summer!

If you‘d like to reach out to us before the first day, feel free to email us.

Mrs. Pignataro – ppignataro@mtsd.us

Ms. Caprio – acaprio@mtsd.us

Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

See you soon!

Mrs. Pignataro and Ms. Caprio

Mrs. Pignataro and Ms. Caprio’s Supply List

  • 1 Hi-Liter

  • 4 - Marble Composition Books - 1 each: red, blue, yellow, and green (please do not label)

  • 2 - Marble Composition Books - these should be a pattern or picture (different color than listed above)

  • Extra Pencil Erasers

  • 2 Pens-Any color but Black

  • Glue stick

  • Colored pencils, crayons, or markers

  • Scissors

4th Grade General Supply List

  • Sharpened and/or mechanical pencils - enough to last a while

  • Soft pencil case

  • Scotch tape

  • Post-it notes (3 x 3)

  • Comfortable headphones or earbuds WITH a microphone in a Ziploc bag with your name on it – for your personal use

  • Dry erase markers (low odor if possible) and an eraser (a clean sock works)