MTHS Guidance Newsletter

Spring 2024

Welcome Spring! 💐

Hi!  Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Guidance Newsletter! 
See below for what's been going on in guidance and what's to come.  
💛 Love, MTHS Guidance 💙

What's Going on in Guidance (and what's to come) this Spring

Scholarship Applications

Seniors are reminded to check the Scholarship Google Classroom for information on local scholarships.  Deadlines are approaching fast! 

OCVTS Decisions

OCVTS will be making their shared time admissions decisions soon!


9th-11th grade students are finalizing their schedule requests for next year.  Counselors are sending appointment calendars for students to pick a time to meet and discuss scheduling for next year.  Please have your child check their email regularly.

NJSLA Testing

9th grade students currently in ELA and any student enrolled in Algebra 1, 2 or Geometry will be taking the NJSLA May 16-22.

All 11th grade students will be taking the NJSLA Science test on April 29-30.


COMPASS is a local program serving Ocean and Monmouth Counties under the umbrella of New Jersey Statewide Student Support Services (NJ4S) with services provided by Preferred Behavioral Healthcare. NJ4S is a new statewide initiative from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF), and was designed to enhance access for students to prevention and mental health screening services. Programs will focus on the core service categories of mental health, suicide prevention, bullying and violence prevention, substance use prevention, and sexual health and teen pregnancy prevention. The program supports public and charter school students and caregivers in Ocean and Monmouth Counties at no cost. COMPASS is staffed by prevention consultants and licensed clinicians to provide programs, assessment, brief counseling, and/or community referrals.

The Manchester Township High School has been working collaboratively with COMPASS to provide services within the school building, including assessment and brief individualized clinical interventions to students. The services aim to improve overall mental health and well-being or to facilitate resolution of an immediate problem, while allowing for continued classroom success. Students are able to access these services while also being referred and connected to a community provider to support ongoing mental health needs, including referral for further evaluation and/or on-going mental health counseling. These services are targeted, brief clinical interventions that are delivered at school and require parental consent.

If you would like more information about the COMPASS program, please feel free to contact Jennifer Eckert, Student Assistance Counselor, at 732-657-8329.

Save the Dates!

April 16, 2024
Mock AP Exam

April 22, 2024 - 6pm
MANDATORY Senior Prom Parent Meeting

April 29-30, 2024
NJSLA Science - 11th graders

May 1, 2024
Wear Your Future Day!

May 16-22, 2024
NJSLA - ELA and Math

May 28, 2024 - 6pm
Departmental Awards

June 4, 2024 - 6pm
Senior Awards

June 20, 2024

Stay in the loop on X: @MTHS_Guidance