
Research Students

Jenna Buragina

MSc Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, University of Calgary (Co-supervised by Dr. de Buck)

BSc Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology concentration) (2023)

Jenna is most passionate about combatting the spread of antimicrobial resistance, specifically through novel antibacterial drug development. Outside of research, Jenna enjoys painting, camping, and spending time with her dog.


BSc Chemistry (Analytical Biochemistry concentration) 


BSc General Science (Biology and Chemistry concentrations) 

Micah is currently working on the characterization of corynacin, a novel antimicrobial from Corynebacterium sp. In her free time, she volunteers at the Children’s Hospital and provides support to patients during their stay. She likes reading novels, going on picnics, and taking walks.


BSc Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology concentration) 

James is currently researching the mechanism of action of the antimicrobial activity of corynacin, a novel bacteriocin produced by Corynebacterium sp. Apart from research, James enjoys playing online chess, listening to music, and binge-watching TV shows and dramas.

Tejas Gill

BSc Health Science (Computer Information Systems minor) 

Tejas strives to support science advocacy and the development of science-specific support for students at MRU. In his spare time, he advocates for vulnerable populations through his volunteering positions at Alberta Health Services and the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured. Apart from volunteering, Tejas’ hobbies include computer programming, website development, and gardening. His research interests include investigating social inequalities among subpopulations in Canada, representational competencies used by undergraduate students, and the roles of bacteriocins in industry and medical interventions. 

Shayne McArthur

BSc Health Science (Biomedical Sciences), University of Calgary (Co-supervised by Dr. de Buck)

Shayne's primary research interest is in studying bacteria, and outside of research, Shayne enjoys wake surfing, hiking, and playing the PlayStation.

Research Support

Jhoseling garcia, P. CHEM

Laboratory Instrument Technologist

CHPH Lab Tech for Student Research

BSc Chemistry 

Double Major in Chemistry and Technology

Central University of Venezuela

Link to Jhoseling's MRU Website Profile

Jhoseling is an active member of the Creating Course Leaders Program since 2019. She strongly believes that conscious & authentic choices and behaviours will translate into meaningful contributions to any enterprise's success. Jhoseling also loves ziplining on North America’s fastest zipline at Calgary, traveling to any Caribbean beach, as well as dancing and yoga. Her latest passion is understanding and supporting the 2e neurodiverse learners, twice-exceptional kids, teenagers, and adults. 


Julia Sampang

BSc Health Biology (2023), Acedo Group Lab Tech (2023-2024)

Julia is an optometric assistant at Dr. Bishop & Associates.

Zafina BudhWani

BSc Chemistry (Analytical Biochemistry concentration) (2023)

Zafina is an MSc student in Human Genetics at McGill University.

DaniaH AlkAssaB

BSc Health Science (2022), Acedo Group Lab Tech (2022-2023)

Daniah is an MSc student in Immunology at the University of Toronto.

Jen Lang

BSc Biology (2023)

Lara FlanzBaum

BSc Health Science (2023)

Lara is a child development specialist at G.R.I.T. (Getting Ready for Inclusion Today) Calgary Society.

Carly Davies

BSc Health Science (2022)

Carly is a doctoral student at the New England College of Optometry in Boston.

Leah Lussier

BSc General Science (Chemistry and Mathematics concentrations) (2021)

Leah is attending pharmacy school at the University of Toronto.

DaNiel Major

BSc Cellular and Molecular Biology (2021)

Dan is a medical student at the University of Alberta.