Zones of Regulation

Every Day is full of emotions

Students will be taught to identify emotions using the Zones of Regulation to provide consistent language and culture within the school. They will be given strategies to help shift zones and regulate their emotions. 





What does each zone look like? 

The friends from the Inside Out® movie will show a quick video about what you might experience in the different zones. Think of ways, or strategies, that may help her move towards a green zone!

Every zone is important! 

It is ok to be in any of the zones, but what is important is how you handle your feelings while in each zone. 

Thank you to our friends at the Walt Disney Company®  and Inside Out® movie for helping us learn our Zones of Regulation. All credit goes to the makers of Inside Out® and we claim no rights.

We also want to thank Leah Kuypers, MA Ed., OTR/L, creator of The Zones of Regulation®, a framework designed to teach self-regulation for creating a platform for kids and their emotions.