Extension Activities

Deepening the Learning

Strategies for working with students who have already mastered the content and can now dive deeper

If students are finished with their self-directed content for the year, why not let them chose something to focus on and look deeper into? Genius Hour lets students have a voice in their own learning path, taking themselves down roads they might not have explored thoroughly before. A mentor or content teacher would help them through this project too, helping to guide students on their paths.

Students who want are done with the curriculum and have someone else they'd like to work with could very well do a Passion Project- something they might not have had time to do before, but could now focus their attention on during PLT blocks. Students will need to have a mentor they can work with on this to develop a path the project could take, and help it come to fruition.

Here is an example of what one teacher did to outline her thinking with students who worked on Passion Projects.

If you have other resources you'd like to share or add, please email Amanda Rodgers at arodgers@winchendonk12.org. Your input is appreciated and valued!