
(Part 2)

Facilitator instructions

  • [5 min] Intro and Set up video

  • [5 min] Show video

  • [10-15 min] Pair-share

    • Break students into pairs (or trios if necessary)

    • Give groups 8-12 minutes to engage in the activity before calling them back

  • [15+ min] Report back and Cohort discussion


Belonging is not always about whether you believe you can do something. It is also about whether you see yourself as a “tech person.“ This component of belonging is related to mindset: the static idea of a “tech person” can indicate a fixed mindset about who is in tech.

After the video, you’ll have a chance to reflect on connections to your own experiences. As you watch, what resonates with you?


So, how can we cultivate an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued? We can get started by creating a welcoming space, being open to different perspectives, taking people seriously and practicing active listening, and being conscious and intentional of the space and airtime we are taking.

[welcome tip] We can realize that even if we feel “at home” and valued in a space, this may not be the experience for others. Perhaps we can be the person to help someone strategically navigate difficult terrain.

[open to perspectives tip] We can recognize the value of others’ perspectives and ideas.

[take people seriously/actively listen tip] We can take on the perspectives of those around us and ask ourselves, “do they feel respected and valued?”, and be proactive to consider the messages and signals we are sending in our interactions.

[step up/back tip] We can be intentional in deciding when it’s time to step up to contribute and when to step back to make room for others. We can examine our own assumptions and biases, and notice if we might subconsciously view some people differently.

This week, notice your sense of belonging in different spaces -- where do you feel “at home”? In your collaborations and community, notice who is being taken seriously and ask yourself, are there missing perspectives? How are you contributing to the belonging of others?

We can change our behaviors to foster an inclusive environment and create a greater sense of belonging for everyone, to ensure that all of us--with our varying backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge--can contribute.


In pairs/trios:

What resonated for you in the video? Has belongingness played a role in your engagement with the class or its contents?


Discuss the role self-efficacy can play in learning:

    • How could it impact your engagement with course materials, including labs and homeworks?

  • How could it impact your engagement with course support, including office hours and class time?

If you have time, dig in a little deeper:

  • What is the role of belongingess in the choices you or your peers make to engage or turn away from something during your/their academic journey (e.g., a course, project, subject, event).

    • Can you think of a time when you made an assumption about your ability to succeed because you did (not) think of yourself as a “_____ person”?

    • What about a time when you made an assumption about someone else?

    • Have you ever received help in a way that made you feel like you did not belong?

    • Have you ever gone out of your way to invite someone’s participation and help them to feel more comfortable?