

The School of Graduate Studies is committed to the task of developing human resources for nation-building through advanced instruction, research and professional growth. It assumes the responsibility of achieving balanced, high quality graduate education.

Program Goals:

1. Prepare the student for functional and productive research in the various educational disciplines.

2. Enhance competencies in teaching, administration and management.

3. Develop leaders in the field of endeavor being pursued in the university.

4. Provide expertise as needed by the student clientele contingent on university resources.

5. Enrich, preserve and transmit the cultural heritage through quality instruction, research, practice and various available media.

Minimum/Maximum Load

A student when authorized by the Dean of the Graduate School, is allowed a maximum load of 12 units per semester in the graduate level, except when so specified, but not to exceed 14 units in the graduate level, as stipulated in the University Code. There is no minimum load requirement.

  • Regular students shall be allowed a maximum load of 12 units in the graduate level, or more if authorized by the Dean of the Graduate School.

  • Probational students shall be allowed a maximum load of 9 units.

  • Students on special status may carry maximum load of 6 units per semester, for at most two semesters.

Repetition of a Course

A graduate may repeat a course without special permission but may receive credit only once. The higher grade for a repeated course is the grade considered in determining the general weighted average. Where the repetition results in a lower grade, the original grade stands.

Work in Absentia

When approved by the major professor or adviser, the student who has completed course work and residence requirements may enroll in Thesis Writing in absentia. Thesis work in absentia is subject to the continuous registration rule.

Non-Degree Credit

Normally, work done in a non-degree program does not receive graduate credit. A graduate student, however, may petition for credit if the grade for a non-degree work is at least 2.0 at the master’s level, and 1.75 at the doctoral level, subject to the following restriction:

1. The petition must have the approval of the major adviser and the department chairman.

2. The petition must be submitted to the Graduate School Dean or before the time the student advances to candidacy.

3. The course must be graduate course.


The graduate programs in the Mindanao State University may be availed by students from the institutions offering similar programs through cross registration provided the following requirements are met:

1. File a formal application to cross register addressed to the Dean of the Graduate School.

2. Recommendation from the Dean of the Graduate School of home institution.

3. Recommendation from the Registrar of home institution.

Courses that maybe credited towards a graduate program but which are not offered at the University may be cross-enrolled in other state universities or PAASCU-accredited schools, provided that such cross-enrollment is upon the recommendation by the major adviser and with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Provided further that the total credits earned outside the University through cross-enrollment and transfer credits shall not exceed units for a master’s program and sixteen (16) units for a doctoral program, respectively.


All graduate students are expected to pursue the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. Graduate Students must adhere to the norms of a serious intellectual community. A student’s responsibilities include the following:

1. A duty to respect the efforts of others by submitting his or her own work.

2. A duty to properly acknowledge the efforts of others.

3. A duty to respect the privacy of members of the community by avoiding all forms of intimidation including sexual harassment.

4. A duty to safeguard and respect the property and rights of others.

5. A duty to preserve the quality of academic facilities.


Graduate students are required to submit their own work. Ideas, data direct quotations, paraphrasing or any other incorporation of the work of others must be clearly referenced. Proper citation must be conscientiously observed. To do otherwise constitutes plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism include the following:

1. The use of other persons or services to prepare written work that is submitted as a student’s own.

2. The use of previously or concurrently submitted papers or segments thereof written by other students or by the student himself or herself.

3. Submission of the same or very similar papers in different sections of multiple-section courses by collaborating students.

4. Submission of thesis written by other students/researchers from other schools/colleges. Submission of same thesis research to satisfy requirements for both Master’s and Doctoral degree programs constitutes cheating and must be severely punished. Should this happen, the degree must be revoked. The student must be recommended for expulsion.


All communications—written or oral—among students during examinations is forbidden except when approved by the professors. The use of notes, books, calculators, cell phones or other aids is forbidden except when approved by the professors; providing or receiving information about the content of an examination is forbidden; as is the use of anyone else as proxy to take an examination for a student.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Students are expected to familiarize themselves and to comply with the rules of conduct, academic regulations and established practices of the University and the College. Failure to abide by these codes may result in referral to the Student Disciplinary Board and/or appropriate legal action by the University. The Board may mete out a range of penalties including expulsion from the University.