Unit 3

Unit 3 Road Map

  1. Read through the whole road map!

  2. Check out our Unit 3 learning goals.

  3. Read through the process for your peer interview.

  4. Assignment #4

  5. Unit 3 Reflection

Learning Goals:

  • You will evaluate your partner’s portfolio based on given criteria.

  • You will implement feedback given to you by your partner and revise your portfolio.

Interview & Peer Feedback Time!

You are just over halfway done with your portfolio! So let's take a step back and celebrate what you have accomplished so far. To get you ready for Assignment #5, you are going to work with a teammate and give each other feedback on your portfolios so far.

Instead of having a one-way conversation over a Google Doc, we're going to make this experience more interactive and relevant. You and an assigned partner (check your email) will role play and take turns being a hiring principal and a prospective teacher. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Check your email for your assignment partner.

  2. Review our Portfolio Rubric.

  3. The last 20 minutes of seminar this week, you will meet one-on-one with your assigned partner.

  4. In your DP Notebook, include the following information

    • Who is Partner A and Partner B

    • The employment context (what teaching position are you interviewing for)

    • The feedback from your partner.

Remember, you are doing this to help each other make sure you have the best possible digital portfolio for future job interviews. Your feedback should be clear, meaningful, and honest. Please contact me if there are any problems!

Assignment #4

  1. Now that you have completed your peer review assignment, go back and make changes!

  2. Write a reflection in your DP notebook on this process. Be sure to talk about:

    • What it felt like being the interviewer (the "employer")

    • What it felt like being the interviewee (the "teacher")

    • What changes you made to your portfolio and why.


  • You made changes to your portfolio recommended by your teammate.

  • Your 350-500 word reflection is thoughtful, reflective, and addresses the bullet points above.