Helpful Resources

MSU Spartan Strong

MSU Spartan Strong has provided a donation link to support and "address the immediate and changing needs of Michigan State University." Along with many resources for Mental Health Services located at the bottom of the page. The link to these resources are provided on the left

Michigan State University Safety App provides students and staff with resources to keep Spartan's safe on and around campus. Features include location tracking of chosen contacts, emergency police contact, access to ASMSU Safe Ride program, night time CATA bus schedule, and tips of how to contact the police. 

MSU Safe Place

Michigan State University Safe Place "serves students, faculty, staff, and their spouses/partners" by providing "advocacy, shelter, counseling, support groups, safety planning, information and referrals to survivors of relationship violence and stalking."

The service is private and free "through community education, outreach efforts, expert witness training, professional trainings and consultations."

Michigan State University Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) has created a donation site and funding resource called "Spartan Love Fund". The Spartan Love Fund was created to bring a sense of community and "Spartan Love" back to campus. The fund is then used to provide financial resources for Registered Student Organizations, like ESSU, to purchase supplies, food, and other resources to host events that can bring the Spartan community back together again. The link to the Spartan Love Fund donation is provided on the right.

ASMSU: Spartan Love Fund

MSU Student Health and Wellness

Michigan State University's Student Health and Wellness department has coordinated links from multiple counseling  resources, care kits, meditation videos, and much more. These resources are for anyones benefit, so please visit the website to either get the help you need or just to feel better. The link to these resources, and more, is provided on the left

Michigan State University Libraries has created a "Events, Seminars, and Workshops" site to provide links and event details to almost all resources provided around campus. You can filter your search based on the day, category, host (audience), and online v. in-person event types. The link to these resources are provided on the right

MSU Libraries: Events, Seminars, and Workshops

UWill Therapy

UWill is a free mental health website with immediate access to a therapist. This website provides you with a therapist that matches your set preferences (gender, ethnicity, language, and focus area) and your schedule (day, night, and weekend availability). Please visit the link provided, on the left, to access these resources.