

Stratton Lee

Stratton Lee is the first speaker in the Finding your Niche series. He has some great information about how to find your passion in the field of sustainability in the video provided below. 

Contact: leestrat@msu.edu 

Bob Wilson 

Bob Wilson spoke for our Career Stories Series mentioning his time in the Lansing Senate. Below is the presentation he used at the meeting. 

Contact: wilso363@msu.edu 

Jill Cords

Jill Cords spoke for our Resume Workshop and provided great sources at our meeting which can be found below.

Contact: jcords@msu.edu 

Left to Right: Linnea, Tanya, Jamie, Johnathan, and Ellie 

Grad Student Panel

The Graduate Student Organization board from the CSUS Graduate department spoke for our discussion on Graduate school. Below are the Graduate Student Panel meeting recap notes, please review if you are interested in finding more information about Graduate school. 

Contact: vicarili@msu.edu, iretskai@msu.edu, garci622@msu.edu, vivasara@msu.edu, and schiapp7@msu.edu 

Jeno Rivera

Jeno Rivera spoke for our Finding Your Niche series and provided a presentation full of resources on Community Engagement. 

Contact: jeno@msu.edu 

Ellie Schiappa

Ellie is a graduate student at MSU and past AmeriCorps worker, who also came to speak for our Post-Graduate Series. Ellie's short presentation full of helpful links is provided below.

Contact: schiapp7@msu.edu 

Dani Vincent 

Dani Vincent is a Student Life and Engagement (SLE) Sustainability Assistant and Eco-Rep Coordinator for the SLE Sustainability Department. She has done numerous interviews for the department and gave some tips and tricks on the interviewer point of view, provided below. 

Contact: vince190@msu.edu 

Kate Berg

Kate works for the department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst. She has a large ePortfolio she shared at our Careers meeting, along with a site of GIS information on the EGLE Map and Apps website. Below are resources to learn how to use GIS through MSU and where to find and apply for a job like Kate's, before you apply please considering contacting Kate for application tips. 

Contact: BergK3@michigan.gov

Mark Conradi

Mark works for the department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) as the Finance Specialist. Mark has a site full of Michigan Grants and Financing on the department of EGLE website, which he works with on a daily basis and shared at the Career's meeting. Also, below is the State of Michigan website to find and apply for a job like Mark's, before you apply please considering contacting Mark for application tips. 

Contact: conradim@michigan.gov

Andrea Herrst

Andrea works for the department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) as the Biological Science Technician in the Organic Semi-Volatiles Unit. Make sure to connect with Andrea on LinkedIn to follow-up with any further questions about her job, her past experience, or if you just want to connect. For more information about Andrea and her work experience, take a look at the slides she presented at the meeting below. 

Contact: Andherrst@gmail.com 

Lauren Scott-Briningstool

Lauren works for the Offices of the Executive Vice President for Administration (EVPA) as the Senior Communications Manager. Make sure to connect with Lauren on LinkedIn to follow-up with any further questions about her job, her past experience, or if you just want to connect. Below is Lauren's bio and further information from the Offices of the EVPA website. 

Contact: scottla5@msu.edu