BIO @SMCrespo66

Dr. Sandra Crespo

Ph.D., Curriculum Studies, 1998.

Department of Curriculum Studies • University of British Columbia, Canada

M.A., Mathematics Education, 1990.

Department of Mathematics and Science Education • University of British Columbia, Canada

B.Sc. Mathematics and Physics with B.Ed. Education (Magna Cum Laude), 1987.

Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra • Dominican Republic.

I am a Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. My research is focused on students’ resilience and creativity in the mathematics classroom and on teachers’ potential to re-imagine mathematics classrooms as collaborative and equitable spaces for teaching and learning. I am one of the authors of the book “Smarter Together: Collaboration and Equity in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom;" and of two of the NCTM four-book series focused on Access and Equity (Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8). I am also co-editor of the AMTE book of “Cases for Mathematics Teacher Educators.” My research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the Lucent Technologies Foundation, and the Michigan Department of Education. Recent publications of my work appear in The Elementary School Journal, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Theory into Practice, and Teaching Children Mathematics. Highlights of recent leadership roles include: faculty mentor of the STaR program (2014-16); editor of the Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) journal (2014-18), and co-chair of the Research in Mathematics Education Special Interest Group of the AERA organization (2018-20). I'm currently serving as associate editor of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME, 2019-24), and have been appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to for a 3 year term (2021-2024) in the US National Commission on Mathematics Instruction (USNC/MI).

Career Honors and Highlights

• 2021 Chicano/Latino Studies @ MSU Faculty Spotlight

• 2019-24 Associate Editor, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

• 2020 New Educator, featured article,

• 2019 Latinxs and Hispanics in Mathematical Sciences - Honoree -

2018-19 New Leadership Academy (NLA) Leadership Fellow @ the University of Michigan

2017-18 Academic Advancement Network (AAN) Fellow

2017 W. J. Beal Outstanding Faculty Award, MSU -

2014-18 Editor, Mathematics Teacher Educator journal

2014-16 Mentor, STaR Faculty Mentoring Program,

2012 MSU Curricular Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Award

2006-12 NSF-CAREER award - Examining prospective teachers' learning of three mathematics teaching practices—posing, interpreting and responding — during and beyond teacher preparation