Grants, Awards, Consultancies


University students’ perceptions of Japan: A collaborative research project by Japanese and Michigan State University students and faculty. Proposal to the Asian Studies Center, Dr. Delia Koo Endowment. Michigan State University. $5000. Submitted 12/2017. Not funded.

Work to Study: An innovative program to foster greater participation in Asian study abroad programs. A Proposal for the Capacity Building Grant for U.S. Undergraduate Study Abroad, Global Education Programs, U.S. Department of State Office. $45,000. Submitted 10/2017. Not funded.

Seed Grant. International students’ participation in Study Abroad. David Wong, principal investigator. Grantor: College of Education, Educational Psychology & Educational Technology. $3,000.

In the Moment Project. Bob Albers (ComArts) & David Wong, PIs. Grantor: MSU HARP Development, Application No: 115484. Submitted 10/14/2011. Amount Requested & Awarded: $24,553

Dow Corning Fellowship, 5 year full-fellowship & research support (1990-1995).

DV Scholarship: Inquiry into issues in learning and teaching through digital video

Wong, E. D. (2002). Beauty happens.

Wong, E. D. (2001). Surrender. Debuted at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Wong, E. D. (1999). Move. Debuted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CN.

Awards and recognition for scholarly research

* MSU Global Fellow. 2015. Awarded to faculty doing innovative, high impact work related to globalizing MSU.

* Awarded the JRST Award by the National Association for Research in Science Teaching for the most significant contribution of the year in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (1993).

* Awarded Dow Corning Fellowship, 5 year full-fellowship award (1990-1995).

* Awarded IRTLAL fellowship from College of Education at Michigan State University (1997).

* Awarded Volunteer of the Month by the Lansing School District (1994).

* Awarded honorable mention for volunteer services by the Lansing State Journal (1994)

* Invited presentation at Dow Corning International Headquarters (1992, 1993)

* Featured in Dow Corning promotional video on excellence in science teaching (1992)

* Featured in Changing Minds, an Educational Extension Service publication (1992)

* Featured in an Educational Extension Service video as an example of innovative science teaching in inner city schools (1992)

Paid consultant work: Some examples

Price Waterhouse Coopers – How Arabs Learn Project, 2012

American Association for the Advancement of Science – Project 2061

National Science Foundation

University of Michigan-Flint

Indianapolis Children’s Museum