Global Work

Education Abroad Program Creation and Leadership

Undergraduate study abroad program, Shimane & Tokyo, Japan. Creator & Leader (2014-present)

Undergraduate study abroad program, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Creator & Leader (2011-2015), Coordinator (2015-present)

Doctoral fellowship abroad program (FEGU), Maastricht, The Netherlands. Co-creator & Leader (2014-2017)

Undergraduate study abroad program, Plymouth, England. Creator & Leader (2008)

Masters in Educational Technology Program, Plymouth, England. Director & Instructor (2005-2008)

Shimane University (Japan) at MSU study abroad program. Coordinator (2015-present)

Teaching and Program Leadership

Global Education Cohort Program (GECP). Co-Coordinator (2014-2020)

GECP TE150 (3 sections). Instructor & Coordinator (2014-2020)

Southwest University Scholars Program, Chongqing, China. Faculty Mentor (2013-2019)

Global Education Partnerships

MOU signing with Tokyo Gakugei University. Organizer (2016)

MSU and Shimane University reciprocal study abroad programs. Co-creator & Co-director (2014-present)

MSU and Tokyo Gakugei reciprocal study abroad program. Co-creator & Co-director (2017-present)

Beijing Normal University & MSU Education Exchange Program. Co-coordinator (2017)


University students’ perceptions of Japan: A collaborative research project by Japanese and Michigan State University students and faculty. Proposal to the Asian Studies Center, Dr. Delia Koo Endowment. Michigan State University. $5000. Submitted 12/2017. Not funded. Principal (2017)

Work to Study: An innovative program to foster greater participation in Asian study abroad programs. A Proposal for the Capacity Building Grant for U.S. Undergraduate Study Abroad, Global Education Programs, U.S. Department of State Office. Submitted 10/2017. $45,000. Not funded. Principal (2017)

Global Education Service & Outreach

Keynote speaker and workshop leader. “Thinking differently about intercultural competence.” Elon University, North Carolina. October, 2019.

Lecturer on U.S. education to State Department sponsored educators from Saudi Arabia, Kyrgyzstan, and China. Lecturer (2017-2018)

Brown bag lunches and symposium organized by the International Studies Center, Office of Education Abroad, and Office of the Associate Provost.

MSU Learning Abroad Conference. Organizing committee (2013-2017)

University Faculty Learning Community on Study Abroad. Participant (2013-present)

International Studies and Programs Advisory/Consultative Committee. Co-chair (2016-2017), member (2014-2016)

Global Education Research: Select Projects

Global Education Research Group. The purpose of this group is to bring students and faculty from US and Japanese schools and universities to study and research current issues in education.

  • Participants are from Michigan State University, Shimane University, and Tokyo Gakugei University.

  • The group size is kept small to support high quality interaction among the participants.

  • One of the main activities of this group will be reading and discussing academic articles about current issues in education. A second main activity will be conducting small research studies on some of these issues.

MSU students’ perceptions of Japan. A collaborative research project by Japanese and Michigan State University students and faculty. An examination of why MSU students may be reluctant to engage with Asian people, places, and culture. N=400. Director (2017-present)

Intercultural Work Project. When students from different cultural backgrounds work collaboratively, how can intercultural differences be a source of potential, rather than problem, in their work? This project is in its second year and builds on the relationship I’ve built between students in our College and students from Japan and the Netherlands. In 2015, this project produced one paper accepted for publication and one conference presentation. Director (2016-present)

Social Media and Intercultural Development Project. All sections of TE150 are required to complete a Global Learning Project where they interact several times with a student from a different culture. Half of these students are required to post pictures of their interactions on social media. The results were very surprising and will be shared at a 2018 conference and in a forthcoming published piece. N=300. Director (2015-2017)

Global Competency Research Project. This project started in 2011 and investigates the nature of MSU students’ experience when they step out of their “cultural comfort zone” to interact with people from a different culture. Sample size, N=600. Director (2015-present)

International students and study abroad. A relatively new project in collaboration with the Office of Study Abroad. Investigates the patterns of study abroad participation for MSU international students. Director (2015-2016)

What’s happening to the Chinese students in the teacher education program? In the past few years, the number of Chinese students in TE classes has increased. Unfortunately, few students have completed the program. This project investigates the reasons behind this problem. A report was prepared and presented to the Chair of Teacher Education. Director (2015-2016)