Action Items!


Action Items for Current and Prospective Undergraduate Students 

Take CLS 201.

Visit the CLS Office at 200 S. Kedzie to learn more about the minor.

Get involved with Latinx RSOs and advocate for CLS there.

Advocate for CLS to your college and administrators by asking how they are investing in CLS.

Action Items for Current and Prospective Graduate Students 

Take CLS 810, 811, or 896 as an elective.

Visit 200 S Kedzie to learn more about the graduate certificate or dual degree option.

Look for opportunities to engage with CLS minors.

Continue to teach CLS courses, if possible.

Action Items for Faculty and Staff 

Promote CLS as a minor to students you advise (informally or formally). 

If you are in adjacent fields, look for ways to collaborate with CLS on classes for the minor. 

Keep promoting safe environments in your classrooms and building relationships with students.

Ask if your departments and colleges can give you a course release so you can regularly teach for CLS. 

Action Items for Alumni

Look for opportunities to mentor CLS students.

Serve as a supervisor for a CLS intern who wants to go into your field. 

Donate to CLS.

Action Items for Chairs, Directors, Deans and Administrators 

Work collaboratively to hire CLS faculty that work across disciplines. 

In the meantime, give consistent course releases to faculty in your colleges so they can teach CLS classes without an overload.

Count service to CLS as service to your departments.

Invest in CLS!

Invest in MSU!

Invest in US!