
Below you will find overview videos for several tools that are good for virtually engaging youth.

The five digital tools below may be familiar to you or feel overwhelming - both are okay!

We want to note that some of you may not be using Google compatible platforms for remote delivery - we hope that, regardless of platform, the best practices modeled throughout these sites translate easily for you.

Google Classroom


Poll Everywhere



Excited to dive into these tools more? Check out these other great resources focused on the tools above!

Optional additional resources for you to look over if helpful!

A former HS biology teacher shares their tips on using Google Classroom for in-person and remote learning.

A Spanish teacher shares their tips on using FlipGrid for student presentations.

Check this article out for easy ways to use FlipGrid in all subject and grade levels!

A teacher shares several examples for how they use Poll Everywhere's various features.

A teacher shares how they use Jamboard to complete worksheet/drawing activities.