PBSE Principle 3: Embracing PBSE Teaching & Learning

Principle 3: Build your PBSE effort out of rigorous experiential learning, support it with appropriate teaching practices, and integrate it into local educational system.

3a: Rely on hands-on, inquiry-based experiential teaching and learning.

3b: Teach students to draw on multiple disciplines and ways of knowing as they consider and take action on local stewardship needs.

3c: Include assessments for learning as well as assessments that generate evidence of learning.

3d: Establish clear but flexible learning goals that relate to robust standards for student achievement.

3e: Use PBSE to inform, enhance, and support school building and district priorities.

Principle 3(a-e) focuses on doing: reading, writing, communicating, math, science and social studies. PBSE is engaging students in experiential hands-on, inquiry-based, cross-curricular learning using issues in their community.

“I liked science before this but now I enjoy it even more and I feel like I am helping the community now.” -A fifth grade student

Ella White Elementary Case Study.pdf
Onaway High School Case Study.pdf

PBSE Case Studies 🦸‍♀️️🦸‍♂️️

Check out these case studies from two teachers, Bob Thomson (elementary) and Scott Steensma (high school). Review these case studies through the lens of principle 3: embracing PBSE teaching & learning.

Decomposition Mission

This 15 minute video is an example of great inquiry-based, hands-on learning in the field. Here is a link to the lesson plan modeled in this video. 📚

MDE Standards

📚Check out the Michigan Department of Education Characteristics of Career and College Ready Students looking for ways the PBSE teaching aligns with these characteristics. What elements of a project could incorporate math, art, social studies, writing, reading, and science?

📚Supplementary Resources📚

📚The Beetles Project - http://beetlesproject.org/ This site is a resource for infusing outdoor science programs with research-based approaches and tools to improve science teaching and learning.

The Beetles Learning Cycle

The-BEETLES Learning-Cycle-Explained.pdf
Science Process Model.pdf
CPR - content process relationshp.pdf
5G Summary.pdf