The Bulldog Times 

October 2023

Bulldog Readers, explore the happenings in our school, our Indianapolis community, and the world! 

Intermediate students were encouraged to participate in an endangered wildlife writing contest after Carlee Jackson's presentation.  Please read one of our submissions below!

"Red  Panda"

by Adalyn Amspaugh

Where I Live

I live in the eastern Himalayas in places like China, Nepal, and Bhutan.  I spend most of my time in trees. I live in high-altitude forests.

Me in my habitat!  A Tree!

What I eat

I eat leaves and bamboo, but occasionally I snack on fruit, insects, bird eggs and small lizards too.  But my favorite food is bamboo.

To Help Me Live

Please stop cutting trees down.  Take red pandas and me to the zoos.  My friend is at the in zoo to be safe.  Don't litter because you might trick me to eating it and I might get sick!       

Whaaaaattt!  They're cutting down one of the places I live.

The High Hopes

I hope you want to help red pandas. It will be the nicest thing ever.  I really appreciate you reading my story.  I hope you want to learn more about red pandas.  You can learn more about them at zoos.  There are lots of fun things about red pandas.

Random Facts About Me

Red pandas have long tails, as long as our bodies!

We lick ourselves clean.  It's called grooming. Newborns have hardly any fur at the bottom of our feet.  In winter, we spend about 13 hours looking for food to eat.  Red pandas eat about 200,000 bamboo leaves a day!

Jokes About Red Pandas!

Q: What is red and white and goes round and round?

A: A red panda that's stuck in a revolving door!  


Q: What does a ghost say to a red panda? 

A: Bam-Boo


Q: Why are red pandas terrific story tellers?

A:  Because they have the best tails!