
"Sharing My Spanish Culture"

by Cristian Vazquez-Cervantes

My family comes from Mexico, but I don’t come from Mexico, why? My family moved to Indiana before I was born, so I was born in Indiana. In this article, you’ll learn about Hispanic Heritage Month and I’ll teach you some Spanish words.  

Hispanic Heritage Month

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15.  We celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.  

Now, let me teach you some Spanish words!  

stawberry is fresa

cold is frio

book is libro

pencil is lapiz

alarm is alarma

orange is naranja                                                                                                                                   

Did your class try them?  Are there Spanish-speaking students in your class who can teach you more words or phrases? Enjoy celebrating the my Spanish culture.

“¿Qué Significa Dia de los Muertos? 

by Kylee Riley


What does Day of the Dead mean? Growing up, some people thought that Day of the Dead was just some silly holiday that was celebrated with skulls and colors! They thought it was just something like Halloween, but it’s not. Day of the Dead really means a lot to different people and different cultures. In my article, I’m going to explain to you why people celebrate Day of the Dead and how they celebrate it. 

If you can’t imagine the holiday Day of the Dead in your head, let me give you a reference. Have you ever heard of the movie Coco? I bet you have, and did you know that Coco is based around Day of the Dead! So, if you did not know a lot about Day of the Dead, you are going to learn more in my article! 

The reason why people celebrate Day of the Dead is because they have lost a loved one from their family or a close friend. This holiday lets all the departed loved one's family reunite on this extraordinary day!  I think that Day of the Dead is an underrated holiday. I want to change your perspective on this special holiday. 

How people celebrate Day of the Dead is by families creating ofrendas (offerings) because they are honoring their departed loved ones. These altars are decorated with bright Flor de Muerto (yellow marigold flowers), pictures of the departed, and the favorite food and drinks of the one being honored. The offerings that they make for their loved ones encourage their departed loved ones to visit and experience this holiday with them.  

If you want to celebrate Day of the Dead, you need to know when you are going to celebrate it. First of all, there is Dia de los Angelitos. Dia de los Angelitos is a celebration for the spirits of the children and it starts on November 1 at midnight.  And the children get to be reunited with their family.  And then there is Dia de los Difuntos.  Dia de los Difuntos is the celebration of adults.  At midnight of November 2 the celebration switches to the adults. The night is filled with laughter, fun, and to make memories with their family and their departed ones. It is kinda like the night before but Dia de los Difuntos is more adult themed because it’s a celebration for the adults. 

And then we have Dia de los Muertos, and that’s when they celebrate the spirits of all of the dead. And they celebrate it on November 3. Today people have parades with Calavera (skull) face paint. Sometimes, people go to the cemetery and decorate their loved ones' graves with all types of goodies! 

Have I changed your mind about Day of the Dead? I saw this AMAZING quote,“ Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” 

"Gigi and Gramps Day"

by Layla Marshall 

What is Grandparents Day about?  Grandparents Day is a day when we honor and celebrate our grandparents and show them how much we appreciate, love, and care for them. Grandparents Day is on Sunday, September 10, 2023. On Grandparents Day we spend time with our grandparents and we maybe give them a little gift, or if your grandparent doesn't live nearby you can give them a call and say "Happy Grandparents Day!"

Our grandparents are kind of like our moms dads because they feed us and maybe after you get out of school your gigi, papa, or gramps (whatever you call them) take care of you if your mom or dad has to go somewhere. Your grandparents are here to help you. They watch you and they feed you, and they can even help you with your homework.  They do all that hard work so maybe you can show you appreciate them with your love and help them too.

Spring Mill will be celebrating your grandparents and other special persons in your life on Thursday, Nov. 2