Procedural Safeguards & Behavioral Interventions Policies & Procedures

Rights and Procedures for Students with Section 504 Plans

Below is a link to a viewable/printable PDF of the Mahomet-Seymour Community School's Section 504 Rights and Procedures.  

M-S Section 504 Rights and Procedure 2010 (1).doc.pdf

Rights and Procedures for Students with Section 504 Plans

Below is a link to a viewable/printable PDF of the Mahomet-Seymour Community School's Section 504 Rights and Procedures.  

M-S Section 504 Rights and Procedure 2010 (1).doc.pdf

Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with IEPs from ISBE

Below is a link to a viewable/printable PDF of the procedural safeguards document from the Illinois State Board of Education for students with or being evaluated for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  

2022 Procedural Safeguards.pdf

Behavioral Interventions Policies and Procedures

Below is a link to a viewable/printable PDF of the Mahomet-Seymour Community School's Behavioral Interventions Policies and Procedures.

Behavioral Interventions Policy and Procedures - Updated February 2021.pdf


Deaf, hard-of-hearing or non-English speaking parents and/or guardians have the right to request translation or interpreter services so that they can participate in  IEP or 504 meetings for their child.  If you are in need of these services for an upcoming meeting, please contact:

Christine Northrup, Director of Student Support Services  at 217-586-2161 or