Music class is an active place. When students are allowed to create music themselves, it gives the teacher the opportunity for authentic assessment. In other words - no one can hide! Music grades are based on EFFORT not SKILL. The purpose of this system is to reward students for GROWTH. The criteria for grading is outlined below:
3 Student consistently engages in the lessons and therefore demonstrates growth.
Answering questions when asked
Good attitude
On-task most of the time without being asked
No disruptions of others
Respectful of people, materials, and classroom space
2 Student requires occasional reminders to remain engaged in the lesson in order to demonstrate growth.
Reminders needed to maintain engagement
Attitude impacts work completion
Not respectful of people, materials, and/or classroom space
1 Student struggles to stay engaged in the lessons, even with teacher reminders, and therefore does not always demonstrate growth.
Work is not accomplished
Disruptive to others learning
Poor attitude
Damage to people, materials and/or classroom space
Please feel free to take the time to read the following articles about music talent vs. aptitude. The research in this area has been well known to music teachers for a long time - but that's not very helpful if the information is not available to our communities...