
Career Exploration is a fun and exciting journey and our career center is here to help!  O*Net Interest Profiler and Career One Stop offer great resources to explore career based on your interests, personality, and more!  Both websites offer career assessments both in English and Spanish and can be a great tool to use for career exploration.

Naviance Career Assessments

MHS students have access to Naviance which holds three different career assessment tools. 

Career Cluster Finder

Helps you identify your interests and discover career clusters that contain careers that might interest you.

Career Interest Profiler

Helps you find careers by mapping your interests to six basic types of personalities, together called the Holland Code. The higher you score, the more you are like that type.

Strengths Explorer

StrengthsExplorer will help you think about your talents - the ways in which you naturally think, feel, or behave. Thinking about your talents may be new for you. The StrengthsExplorer report will help you begin to discover and talk about your greatest talents by identifying the areas, or "themes", in which they are found.