If your plan is to attend a 4-year university right after graduation, some of you may be required to take either the SAT or ACT test. Some colleges use these tests when making admission decisions and in awarding merit-based scholarships, however, due to the pandemic, many colleges have been becoming test-optional (meaning they don't REQUIRE a test score). In order to determine which test is the best fit for you, you should take a practice test of each and prep for the one you score better on.  If your scores are even, prep for the one you felt most comfortable taking.  It is best to take a full length practice test, if possible, so you get a feel for the timing and length of the actual tests.  

It is recommended that students take the SAT or ACT during the spring of their junior year. 

NOTE: Testing fee waivers available in the counseling office for those who qualify. 

223.24 SAT-ACT test dates.pdf

The major differences between the SAT and ACT tests are:


Study Apps for your Phone/Tablet

 All Apps available on iTunes and Google Play

We have SAT & ACT Prep books available for check-out in the College & Career Center.