Welcome to the Moorpark High School 

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is designed to support the well-being of our students as well as connect them to calming activities/tools to promote health and wellness. This is a safe space to access support, decompress, and refocus.

The vision of the Moorpark High School Wellness Center is to be an inclusive and welcoming Tier 2 space for students to self-regulate and learn positive coping skills. In addition, during scheduled times, the Wellness Center will function as a space for peer leadership and health promotion activities.

Bienvenido al Centro de Bienestar de Moorpark High School. Este Centro de Bienestar fue diseñado para apoyar el bienestar de los estudiantes así como para conectarlos con actividades/herramientas relajantes para promover la salud y el bienestar. Este es un espacio seguro para acceder a la ayuda y volver a centrarse.

La visión del Centro de Bienestar de Moorpark High School es ser un espacio de Nivel 2 inclusivo para que los estudiantes se autorregulan y aprendan habilidades de afrontamiento positivas. Además, en los horarios programados, el Centro de Bienestar funcionará como un espacio para actividades de promoción de la salud.

New Wellness Center Room!

The Wellness Center was relocated at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. We are now in Room A2 by the library and the College and Career Center. Stop by before school, after school, or during lunch to see the space and say hi! 

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Have a great Summer Break🌞 Remember to take care of yourselves and access support/resources if needed. See you in August!

Hours may vary. The door will always be updated with a sign that says "Open, " "Closed," etc.