
This video shows primary students using a Science Talk protocol as way to collectively theorize, build on each others' ideas, work out thoughts, build literacy, and think, wonder, and talk about how things work. First, the teacher revisits the guiding question ("How does a spider's body help it survive?") and has students review information. She then reviews the Science Talk norms and has a small group of students model. She reviews sentence frames (e.g., "I agree with... because...") that will help students speak like scientists. Students then participate in Science Talks in small groups; the teacher circulates to listen, probe, and coach. We see students building on each others' ideas in a format that promotes equitable conversation. Finally, students reflect on their learning, revisiting the guiding question and the big idea (every part of a spider has an important function that helps it survive).



Designing Effective Activity Centers for Diverse Learners.pdf

Implementation Planner

NGSS Overview

Next Generation Science Standards: (NGSS) are standards embodied through a three-dimensional learning model. More specifically, NGSS refers to the deliberate integration of three distinct dimensions: Scientific and Engineering Practices (SEP), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC). NGSS emphasizes science is more than a series of isolated facts. The three dimensions account for "what students do", "what students know", and "how students think".
With the use of the 5E Model, fundamental shifts in science education under NGSS involves more: System Thinking, Student Investigations, Student Discussion, Multiple Informational Sources, Organized Accountability and Provisions of Support for ALL students.

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Facilitator's Guide




Evaluate is an on-going process that allows the teacher to determine if the learner has attained an understanding of the concept knowledge and practices of the learning experience. Evaluation occurs at all points along the continuum of the instructional process
This PD involves strategies on how to facilitate CER (ClaimEvidenceReasoning). CER is a structured way for students to write scientific explanations that reflect the scientific knowledge and understanding they are gaining. In addition, the usage SEP & CCC rubrics will be explored to help unpack "what" students are doing and "how" they are thinking.

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Engage & Phenomenon-Based Learning

Engage is the phase intended to "grab" the students attention and spark inquiry. Students first encounter and identify the instructional task. Through the use of phenomena, students make connections between past and present learning experiences and lay the foundation for the upcoming activities.
This PD explores the incorporation of phenomena to capture student intrigue through the layering of SEP and CCC based questioning.

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Facilitator's Guide




The Explore stage provides student opportunity to get directly involved with phenomena and science material. Usually in teams, students solidify a base of common experience.
This PD explores how to act as a facilitator to drive student inquiry.

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Facilitator's Guide




GLAD - Pictorial Input Chart with embedded vocabulary and frames

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Facilitator's Guide



"Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you're not innovating enough" - Elon Musk