
Getting an Instrument

MPS School Instruments

Parents/guardians have the option to request a school instrument when they sign their child up for orchestra via the online registration in the spring of the prior year. To request a school instrument, simply check that box when filling out the online registration form before the start of the school year (click the "Join" tab to find that form). Because the number of requests greatly exceeds the number of instruments that the district owns, not all students who request a school instrument will get one. First priority goes to students who qualify for certain financial need requirements. After those students are matched to an instrument, any remaining instruments are randomly assigned to the remaining students who have turned in requests before the start of the school year, through a lottery system. Students who have been matched to a MPS school instrument will be notified via email from MPS district office before the start of the school year (by August 10, 2024).

Renting or Buying Instruments

Most students rent a string instrument (violin, viola, or cello) from one of the local music stores in Omaha. The local music stores that rent string instruments to students are:

Violins of Omaha (1301 Nicholas St #G2, Omaha, NE 68102)

Dietze Music (13015 W Center Rd #1A, Omaha, NE 68144)

Schmitt Music (7355 Dodge St, Omaha, NE 68114)

Because string instruments come in various sizes to fit your student, the instrument size they need will change as they grow. For this reason, many families choose to rent until their student is big enough to play a full size instrument. Many of the music stores have various rent-to-own programs that allow for trading up sizes as your student grows. Ask the sales personnel about these programs as each store is different.  

I always caution parents about purchasing a cheap instrument online. Poorly made instruments do not hold pitch (strings constantly slip out of tune), or are physically painful to play (strings are too high off the fingerboard). It is a good idea to physically touch, hold, and play (if possible) an instrument before purchasing it so you can see what you're getting. Some families have had good luck purchasing an instrument through sites like Craig's List (for example, from a family selling an instrument that their child no longer plays, but is still in good shape). Online instrument purchasing can be a gamble. If you have questions, please email Dr. Rom.

Instrument Display Nights

Local music stores are coming to Millard schools for two nights! Two display nights will be held which will provide you with the opportunity to gather information about rental and purchase programs from area music stores.  You will be able to rent or purchase an instrument and instrument accessories during these display nights.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 @ Kiewit Middle School Gymnasium (15650 Howard Street) 6:00-7:30PM


Thursday, August 22, 2024 @ Andersen Middle School Gymnasium (15404 Adams Street) 6:00-7:30PM

The music dealers provide a variety of purchase, rental, and rent-to-own programs from which to choose.  Generally, all of your rental payments apply towards an eventual purchase of the instrument.  IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND EITHER OF THE DISPLAY NIGHTS, you may rent or purchase an instrument  from a music store.  

Instrument Care

To avoid damage to instruments, students should NOT turn the tuning pegs. Dr. Rom will tune the strings at each lesson, so please help your student fight the urge to "fix" a loose string.  It takes a very small turn of the peg to break a string (very different than guitar tuning pegs). Also, avoid touching the hair of the bow with the skin.  Oils on our skin ruin the bow's ability to pull sound from the string. In class, students will learn the safe way to handle, tighten and loosen the bow without damaging the hair.

Broken String?

You can purchase an individual string from a music store. Let the sales personnel know the pitch of the string (E, A, D, G, C) and size of the instrument to ensure the string will fit. Send the new string with your student to their orchestra lesson, and Dr. Rom can put the new string on the instrument quickly and free of charge.