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IB Info Night 2024

IB Info Night, 2024

Please feel free to view the IB Information Night Slides shared on January 30. 

International Baccalaureate page, including MYP and PYP information

My Experience with the IB Diploma Program.mp4


9 min IB DP Students IB Info Night.mp4

Hannah, Anusha, & Lauren

Jackson Gzehoviak




Follow IB on Instagram for the latest news!

IB Diploma Coordinator

Before becoming the IB DP Coordinator in August 2020, Mrs. Betzold taught Language A: Literature and Theory of Knowledge in the IB Program. Through her years as a classroom teacher, Mrs. Betzold has become convinced that the IB Program is a valuable option for any intellectually curious student. Her goals are to make the IB Program accessible and supportive for all students who are interested in a challenge that reaps educational and personal rewards. 

If you have any questions about the IB Program, please contact Mrs. Betzold at the email linked above or give her a call during school hours at (402) 715-1226.