Our Classroom Newsletter

Teacher's notes

Our first week has been full of learning about each other and our classroom. Student have really done a great job making adjustments to 4th grade expectations and routines. I have really enjoyed getting to know a little bit about everyone this week.

Our exploration will continue throughout the year. As I hope your kids have mentioned, I believe in our community of learners. I believe we can all achieve and need each other to help us along the way. We have spent much of our morning meeting time talking about how we are all connected, setting our Hopes and Dreams for the year and what we need our classroom to be like so we can reach these goals. We have established 5 classroom rules based on these needs. They are

  • be a friend
  • be a listener
  • be a learner
  • be a worker
  • and have GRIT

I could not have asked for a better set of rules for our classroom. We have talked about what it looks likes, sounds like and feels like to be all of these qualities in our classroom. We will review and revisit these rules often to ensure we are all doing our part in our classroom community.

Classroom Highlights

Checking out the classroom library and completing team building activities were all important parts of our week last week.

We will continue to practice working together!

Next Week

We will be deploying our ipads this week. We are blessed to be going one to one with ipads this year. You may be wondering what that will look like and be like for our kids and how it will effect they work and what you see. Well...I am too! We will be learning as we go :)

This is a new adventure for all of us and we are sort of figuring it out as we go. Students will NOT be allowed to bring ipads home the first semester. We will be using Google Classroom in class. We will also be using SeeSaw to share with you! Please connect with our classroom in SeeSaw as soon as you can :) It's easy! So far we have 17 families connected! That is fantastic. I would really like to get those last 6 families connect. So here's how!

Please Sign Up Now

  1. Click on this link: https://app.seesaw.me/s/897-096-160
  2. Choose your child from the list
  3. Create your account
  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child

After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at https://app.seesaw.me.

Thank you for supporting your child's learning!

P.S. If you used Seesaw last year or have more than one child using Seesaw, follow the link above, then click the 'Sign in' tab at the top of the screen. You do not need to create a new account.


Students Who want to purchase a recorder need to remember to bring their money for Mrs. Carson by next week. Singing stars sheets also need to be turned in.

We will be decorating our writing notebooks with pictures, stickers, etc. A more detailed note about this is in your child's Friday Folder.

Students will need to bring their Social studies artifact to school by Friday.


Yes...we will begin our assessments this week. Map testing, as you may remember takes place 3 times a year. We will begin this Thursday and Friday with Reading and finish up the following Monday and Tuesday with the Math test.