
🚧 Excavator... See Ya Later! 🚧

It is remarkable how quickly things are progressing as the crew readies the site for the start of construction.  The children, and some of the teachers, have enjoyed watching the progress as we have had many cool construction vehicles visiting Mountain Way School each day.  From the gigantic excavator, to the roller and the fork lift, the back area of the school looks like a scene right straight from Diggerland!  

At this point, the asphalt has been cleared from the site, the awning outside of the Kindergarten wing entrance has been removed, and 16 truckloads of crushed gravel has been delivered.  Of course, things have been a bit noisy during this initial phase of demolition/excavation and will continue to be noisy moving into next week as the contractor will start the process of installing the Vibro Stone Columns upon which the foundation of the addition will be built.  Once the columns are fully installed (which is an anticipated timeline of 3-5 days), we will see a significant decrease in noise and construction distractions.  We are fortunate that the new foundation support, the VSCs, will result in a significantly shorter time of disruption by limiting excavation needs and hauling.

We are excited for the next phase of the project where we will start to see the building take shape.  Our MW stars are really enjoying the experience and memories are surely being made!  As always, we thank our amazing community for their unwavering support!