
Borough School offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities.  All students are encouraged to take an interest and participate in one or more phases of our co-curricular program. Participation in co-curricular activities is a very important part of our school experience, and gives every student an opportunity to develop special interests and talents.

First In Math - The First in Math Club is for students from third through eighth grade to help improve their math skills in an interactive and engaging way. First in Math in an online program designed to support and build students’ math skills. Students work at their own pace and the program is differentiated according to the age and skills of appropriate practice. The content is designed to challenge all students, from intervention to gifted. Participating in the First in Math Club will promote students to improve their fluency of facts and become better problem solvers. The games range from simple shape matching to complex CT/Coding. The K to 8 content is organized into six basic modules: Skill Sets; Just the Facts; Know & Show; Workout Gyms; Bonus Games and Measurement World. Students can access the site 24/7, even at home! In addition to the online program, students also have the opportunity to play the hands-on 24 Game with other students participating in the club. The First in Math Club is a great opportunity for students to practice and enhance their math skills! 

Grades- 3 through 8

Approximate Season- March to May

Advisor: Mrs. Koeck | 973-538-1650 x 2544

Homework Club - Homework Club is an after school group for students who need support completing homework. The club provides students with a quiet place to work on their homework and meets three days a week. This is a teacher recommended program, children are selected to participate in the program through recommendations from a teacher. 

Grades- 3 through 8 *Teacher Recommendation Required 

Approximate Season- October to May *Students may join at any point 

Advisor: Mrs. Bruhn  | 973-538-1650 x 3207

Instrumental Music - The Band Program at Borough School is offered to students in grades 4-8. Students who sign up to be a part of the program choose and rent an instrument of focus (with guidance from the director) from the Brass, Woodwind, or Percussion Families. Students are grouped for lessons based on their instrument and level of advancement, and meet weekly to work on furthering their skills on their instrument. Students practice proper technique and musicality as well as music literacy and theory. Lessons are given during the school day on a pull-out basis. The schedule runs with a rotating structure, so that students are not missing the same classes each week. Students are expected to practice at home between their lessons to advance their skills and be prepared for their lesson each week. In addition to participating in weekly lessons, students in the Band Program also take part in one of the early-morning bands, appropriate for their grade level. Each band meets once per week before school, on their assigned scheduled day.

Advisor: Mrs. Michalowski  | 973-538-1650 x 3530

Intramurals - The intramural program is an extension of the P.E. curriculum. Games, skills and activities will be conducted during the scheduled time. All activities take place in the gymnasium. No additional equipment is needed.  Participants should report to the gym lobby after school on the scheduled dates for their grade. A participation packet will be made available to all students in grades 3-6. The packet will include a permission slip and schedule that includes the dates and times.

Approximate Season- February through March 

Advisor: Ms. Romano | 973-538-1650 x 3527

Select Chorus - The Select Chorus is an auditioned group of students in grades 5-8 that would like additional and more challenging music in their lives. It is a small group of students, and they represent the Borough School choral department on events and field trips throughout the year. Auditions are held twice per year (once in September, and again in February.) Rehearsals are held weekly during the students’ lunch block time. Students in Select Chorus enjoy singing a wide variety of choral music, including pieces that are multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and varied in genre. Students also spend time learning and practicing proper singing technique, focusing on vocal placement, breathing, diction, ear-training for harmonies, and more. Some regularly-occurring performances the Select Chorus participates in include, but are not limited to, the Choral Consortium at Oak Knoll School, MCCEA Mall Project, Student Council Senior Citizen Luncheon, and seasonal performances at Joyful Noise Nursery School, in addition to the Winter and Spring Concerts. 

Grades- 5 through 8

Approximate Season- September Auditions for Fall Season, February Auditions for Spring Season *Current Members Do Not Need to Audition 

Advisor: Ms. Quinn | 973-538-1650 x 3115

Yearbook - The Yearbook allows the eighth grade students the ability to express themselves creatively. The students are shown how to use the Walsworth Yearbook Online Design Program, they are then partnered up with another student and given the opportunity to design a yearbook pages. They have the ability to work on their design both in school as well as at home. In addition to designing the different yearbook pages, the students also take part in completing various other yearbook related tasks, i.e. taking photos at sporting events, dances, concerts to name a few.  As the end of the school year approaches, the students are able to see the culmination of their work as they assist with yearbook distribution at the end of the school year.

Grades- 8

Approximate Season- September through April

Advisor: Ms. McNichol | 973-538-1650

Beyond DifferencesBeyond Differences is a group of students celebrating diversity, equality, and inclusion. It is an open place for students to discuss current events, issues and successes in school, share concerns, ask questions and educate each other.

Our main goal is to provide a place for students to feel comfortable, accepted and safe. We meet once a week in Mrs. Diaz’s room during the second block of lunch. We look forward to meeting new members!

Grades- 5 through 8

Approximate Season- September to June *Students may join at any point

Advisor: Ms. Diaz | 973-538-1650 x 3103

STEAM TankSTEAM Tank is a program for students to come up with an innovative idea, whether it is a new invention or an improved one that is related to sustainability.  Students pitch their idea to judges, develop it further, and compete in a State run competition!  We meet 1x a week after school.  Here is a rough time line: September-November develop ideas & pitch them for the first round. December: off  January-February: Accepted groups develop their ideas further and create presentations and prototypes for the Regional competition. February/early March: Regionals-20 minutes. April/May: Groups accepted to the finals continue developing their ideas based off of judge feedback.  June (anticipated): In person final competition. 

Grades- 5 through 8

Approximate Season- September to June

Advisor: Mrs. Schonmann | 973-538-1650 x 3513

Media Crew Club- The Media Crew is for students who have an interest in helping out "backstage" for assemblies, concerts, and events throughout the school year. Students in this club will learn how to operate the sound and lighting technologies in the auditorium and elsewhere, including setting up microphones, adjusting lighting settings, and operating the spotlights, in addition to other duties. The Crew has monthly lunchtime meetings to check in, and a schedule of events is created based on what is happening and who is available to help. Concerts, events, and assemblies happen both during the school day and also after school. If a student can't make an event, it's never a problem- we simply plan ahead and work together to fill the spot!  

Grades- 6 through 8

Approximate Season- September to June

Advisor: Ms. Quinn | 973-538-1650 x 3115

Drama Club- Drama club is open to all students in grades 6-8 who are interested in performing in the spring musical. The drama club holds auditions to place students in specific roles in each show, but anyone who is interested can be a part of the performance. Auditions are held in January and the show is performed for an audience two nights in May. Throughout that time, students learn songs, dances, and acting skills to put together a full musical. Experience is not necessary to join, as theatre skills are taught throughout the rehearsal process. Rehearsals are usually held in the evenings so that they do not conflict with other sports, and the schedule is flexible. This is a great chance for students to showcase their singing and dancing skills, as well as gain confidence to perform in front of an audience. This club works with other clubs including scenery design, media crew, and stage crew to put on a full production!  

Grades- 6 through 8

Approximate Season- January to April

Advisor: Mrs. Washington | 973-538-1650

Chess Club-  Chess Club is open to all students in grades 5-8 regardless of experience and knowledge of the game. The Club's intent is to instill a love of the game, improve individual skills and deepen application of game strategy by playing against opponents of varying skill levels. To assist students to prepare for the Consortium Chess Tournament, usually held in October, club attendance will be limited to students in grades 6-8. Additionally, tournament participants will be selected according to attendance at meetings, following the rules of chess and willingness to enhance the experiences of others. Fifth grade students will be notified when the chess tournament has taken place so that they may begin attending sessions. The club will meet once per week. In the event of large numbers of registered players, the advisor may elect to split the club roster in order to allow more playing time. Mentoring opportunities for experienced players are optional and at the invitation of the advisor.

Grades- 5 through

Approximate Season- September to May *Grade 5- November to May

Advisor: Mrs. Drake  | 973-538-1650 x 3217

Life Club- LiFE Club is an afterschool group for third and fourth grade girls to help promote interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Various STEAM activities will be conducted during the time the students meet. Life Club typically meets every other Monday from 3:00-4:00 pm.  An introductory meeting will be conducted in the beginning of the school year for third and fourth grade girls that may be interested in the club. A participation packet will be made available to the interested students. The packet will include a permission slip and schedule that includes the meeting dates for the year.  

Grades- 3 and 4

Approximate Season- October to May

Advisor: Mrs. Porter & Mr. Porter  | 973-538-1650 x 3112

Art Club-  Art Club is for students who have an interest in the arts and want to further their artistic experience beyond the regular school day.  Artists in grades 3 and 4 will be given the opportunity to dabble different mediums.  Some mediums may include; printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, painting, jewelry making etc. The groups meet four times in one session according to grades. The meetings are typically held on Mondays & Tuesdays after school from 3:05-4:15pm.

Approximate Season - Spring 

Advisor: Ms. Rigby | 973-538-1650 x 3135

BTVBTV is a television broadcasting club that starts Borough School off each morning. Students do the Pledge of Allegiance, lunch count, birthday announcements, school announcements, and share special events and holidays throughout the year. Each May, students are invited to join as a guest for a day to preview what BTV is all about. In early June, we have a BTV meeting for people who are interested for the following school year. Students sign up in June. It runs from the first day of school to the last and meets from 7:30-8:12 each morning. Students are also permitted to be in band, as the advisors work together to make sure we can accommodate both activities. 

Grades- 6 through 8

Approximate Season- September to June *Signup June of Pervious School Year

Advisor: Mrs. Schonmann | 973-538-1650 x 3513