Borough School, where we are Borough Proud because we are filled with
Borough PRIDE

About Borough School
Borough School is a secondary school serving students in grades three through eight. With a strong focus on the whole child, Borough School strives to balance core academics with the arts. As the social and emotional learning of our students is a critical focus in the overall learning experience, we strive to provide curricular support to foster growth and development of these important skills. Borough School has a strong connection to the community of Morris Plains with numerous opportunities for collaboration between the learning environment and community organizations.
Borough School News
Borough School
Phone: 973-538-1650
Fax: 973-658-5425
District Office
Phone: 973-531-9586
Fax: 973-984-2268
Mountain Way School
Phone: 973-538-0339
Fax: 973-538-0405
Harrasment, Intimidation, & Bullying (HIB) Contact Information
Anti-Bullying Specialist: Borough School | Brian Wilson|
Anti-Bullying Coordinator: District | Monica Crudele |
NJDOE State School Climate Coordinator l
Important HIB Links
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Acts
Incident Report Form (for School Personnel)
Incident Report Form (for Families/Caregivers)
Incident Report Form (Spanish)
See/Hear Something... Say Something! If you are aware of a suspected threat of harm to self or to others, please complete this
Threat Concern Reporting Form. If there is eminent danger, please call 911 or contact your local police department.