Students who study world languages in MPSD have opportunities
Travel Opportunities
Participate in exchanges with our partner schools abroad!
Students in the Manitowoc Public School District have opportunities to travel to France, Germany or Spain through our partner school relationships and Live! immersion courses for which students earn .5 high school credit.
Through our French Live, German Live and Spanish Live programs, students are not merely tourists. While part of the time students do participate in cultural tours or visits, the interaction with the locals in the target language and the friendships that they develop with their hosts are unique to our Live programs. MPSD students are welcomed into host families' homes and are able to experience their hosts' culture from a different viewpoint. It is the goal of the Live! programs for students to experience the countries not as tourists, but rather knowledgeable travelers on a journey to becoming global citizens.
The Live! programs are so much more than a trip. Students attend pre-departure classes, complete pre-departure projects, participate in cultural activities while overseas, speak the target language while being immersed in the language and culture abroad, and complete follow up projects upon their return to the states. The curriculum for these immersion experiences helps students become prepared to make the most out of their experiences abroad.
Because our programs are part of a reciprocal exchange, our MPSD students and families also host students from our partner schools abroad. Hosting is a great opportunity and cross-cultural experience not only for our MPSD travelers but also students who may not have had the opportunity to participate in the immersion program abroad.
Hosting Opportunities
The Manitowoc Public School District has partner school relationships with schools in France, Germany and Spain. Roughly every two years, we welcome students and staff from these partner schools to Manitowoc. Our international guests are hosted by MPSD students and families for about two weeks. During their visit they attend classes and participate in cultural visits.
Academic Opportunities
World languages are a key component of the Global Scholars Program. Early study and continued study of the same language will set students up for success.
Students who are at least sophomores and in Spanish 3 or higher at Lincoln High School also have the opportunity to apply for membership to the Spanish Honor Society.
For more information on these academic opportunities, click on the buttons below.