2019-2020 Year

Click the link above to view senior awards, and upcoming band council for 2020-2021.

MHS Senior Car Parade 2020 Video!

Here is a fun video of our Fine Arts Department teachers honoring our senior class! They put together a car parade and delivered some fantastic gifts to our seniors! Here is the link! We will definitely miss you seniors! Also, a huge thank you for all of those who put this parade together!

Porch Concert!!

Our Porch Concert is here!! Click  here to view the full porch concert! Thank you to the Tri-m Music Honor Society and to all the families and students who participated! 

To view the promotional porch concert video click here!

Holiday Band Concert

US Bands States

October 4th Football Game

Southington Competition

Pre-Season 2019-2020

Preseason 2019-2020.mp4

Star Marchers

Go Pink

Women's Conference