Wellness Committee

Wellness Zoom Flyer.pdf

Wellness Zoom Seminar 

On March 15, 2024 at 6:30-8:00 PM


The Wellness Committee of Mission Possible PFA is wholeheartedly committed to fostering comprehensive well-being at MSJH, with a particular emphasis on the mental and emotional welfare of our students. Collaborating with the school’s counselors, administrators, teachers, and ASB, our mission is to establish and sustain a wholesome, optimistic, and secure scholastic environment that benefits everyone.


Our primary objective encompasses advocating for healthful and harmonious lifestyles, promoting self-nurturing practices, and providing steadfast support for a robust mental and emotional health framework within MSJH. Through a diverse array of educational initiatives, enjoyable activities, and purposeful undertakings, such as stress alleviation techniques, mindfulness exercises, self-care practices, coping strategies, and conflict resolution skills for managing relationships with peers, families, and others, we endeavor to directly address prevalent mental and emotional challenges among our student body, notably stress, anxiety, and depression.


We are open to hear your contributions and insights on ways to bolster our students' mental and emotional well-being. We invite all members of the MSJH community to share their ideas and perspectives, fostering an environment where every individual's emotional needs are comprehensively met.


Additionally, kindly explore our Mental Wellness Resources for enjoyable and beneficial suggestions.

Mental Wellness Resources for Additional Wellness Info

Student Wellness Center Location: C2

Please contact us at wellness@mppfa.org

Take Care and Be Well! 


Winny Rotsidis - Chair

Sulochana Vasa - Co-Chair

Zhenghong Mao - Member

Danian Gong - Member

Reem Habbak - Member

Sarita Maheedhara - Member

SB-14 Pupil’s Health – No questions asked, 5 days for mental health-related excused absences 

In accordance with a California law enacted in 2021, students in public schools are granted the option to take up to 5 days of excused absences for mental health, purposes - without any need for further inquiry.



Community Partnerships for Students’ Support - Help is Available and Confidential

Mission San Jose High School is committed to supporting the mental health of our students first and foremost. Along with our fantastic counseling team, we have community partnerships with Fremont Youth & Family Services and HUME to support our students. 

Students and families can get more information about our service providers by starting with their child’s counselor and/or administrator.


       Fremont Youth & Family Services



The Hume Center


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Document

   Feel free to reach out to wellness@mppfa.org if you require guidance or confidential instructions on utilizing the worksheets.

 Fun and Helpful Mental Wellness Resources for Students and Teachers

Free Meditation and Mindfulness App for Students and Teachers




Brainy Podcasts:

The Hidden Brain by Shankar Vedantam

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris