PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)


This committee does not replace existing channels for student-teacher or parent-administrator communication. The committee will follow the current process for complaints as outlined in FUSD policies ( PAC will be available to support parents and families by providing information and facilitating communication with the school as needed and only upon parent request.  


The purpose of this committee is to advocate for and support parents and students in addressing complaints and concerns related to equitable treatment and access to education at Mission San Jose High School. 

The goal of MPPFA PAC is to encourage and foster communication between students, teachers, administrators and community members (parents/family members) to achieve the best possible learning experience for students and to ensure a safe and equitable learning environment at Mission San Jose High School. Our goal is to act as a liaison between students/families and to resolve issues with escalation. 

What We Do

MPPFA PAC aims to empower MSJHS families by providing: 

Member Code of Conduct

PAC members commit to the following code of conduct:

How to start a PAC Inquiry?

If you would like PAC to assist you further, please fill out the PAC simple inquiry form. A PAC Committee member will reach out to you typically within a few days to outline next steps. The following form is also required in order for PAC to be involved in supporting you: 

MPPFA PAC Parent Agreement (English) | MPPFA PAC Parent Agreement (Chinese) | MPPFA PAC Parent Agreement (Spanish)

PAC Committee Emails

PAC Chair -

PAC Member 1 -

PAC Member 2 -

PAC Member 3 -

PAC Member 4 -

PAC Member 5 -

Parent Perspectives 

Parent Perspectives

TLDR:  Share your experience as an MSJ Parent

Mission San Jose has a certain reputation.  Stressful, challenging, achievement-oriented and a few other adjectives come to mind.   Until we actually put our kids through it there is no way to really know what it is like.  No two experiences are identical and it depends on the child and also the parent on how they react to these experiences and learn from them.   We’d like to showcase some experiences  for present and future Mission parents to see the Mission experience through a fellow parent’s lens and get some fresh perspectives other than what they hear and experience on a daily basis.  

While any parent can choose to write this, we believe  a parent who has put one or more kid(s) through four years of this school is best suited to write this essay.  Things can seem like they are falling apart when in school but the same experience can be viewed in a different light when it is behind you.

Submissions should have an author and graduation year of kids.   It is highly encouraged that you discuss the content with your kids and even write it together if possible.   

There is no requirement to stick to a format but a few questions that keep coming up from parents that you could choose to answer in your essay.   

Things to avoid

Parent Perspectives Articles

Parent Perspectives

These articles are parents' perspectives and experiences on MSJ.


Corinna Fong