Kids' Heart Challenge

Welcome to the Kids' Heart Challenge!

Here are some links with more information. If you have no idea what the Kids' Heart Challenge is, start with the Introduction Video!

Otherwise check out these folders for more information, how-to guides, tax forms, activities, etc.:

Our School Has Heart! 

It’s time for the Kids Heart Challenge, the American Heart Association program that teaches students in 38,000 schools nationwide valuable lessons that will last a lifetime, such as:

We have kicked off the Kids Heart Challenge this week in physical education classes. Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart Association this year and participate in this service-learning program that will teach our students how to care for their hearts-- physically and emotionally-- while raising lifesaving donations to fight the nation’s #1 killer, heart disease! Our Kids Heart Challenge Event will take place in class from February 5th through 29th, with our final event happening later in the spring during school. We hope you are as excited as we are to support our students in this important experience! This is a completely voluntary program and there will be other ways your child can earn the thank you prizes if they do not participate in fundraising (i.e. BINGO, completing Finn’s Mission, and being a monthly raffle ticket winner in physical education).

Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities we’ll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school! Please join Windom Elementary in the fight against heart disease. Help your student go online at or download the Kids Heart Challenge App (App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android) to make a pledge to be kind or active. Our goal is to have 100% of our students take their heart healthy challenge online. When your student takes the challenge, they will become an official Heart Hero. If you do not want to participate in online donations, feel free to use the envelope and fill out the necessary information. All tax-deductible donations are important as we are trying to meet our goal of $25,000.00 this year, which saves 500 lives. 

Please keep in mind these dates: 

Envelopes Passed Out: Week of February 5th

Envelopes Due: February 29th (Bring to PE or put in Ms. Bruun’s mailbox in office) 

Date(s) of Event: February 5th-29th 

Final Event Assembly (In-school): March 28th

On my website, there are multiple forms that you can check out if you would like that may be helpful during this event. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your life-saving help! 

Ms. Bruun 

Kids Heart Challenge Coordinator